[mou] More gull advice needed

dan&erika danerika@gmail.com
Sat, 17 Mar 2007 10:44:33 -0500

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I have been cataloging my digital photos and came across these.  Why isn't
this bird a Slaty-backed Gull?

Note dark streak through eye.
Relatively unpatterned back
White patches in lower primaries; dark outer primaries
Wide, white crescents on folded wing.

Any comments from anyone with experience with the species?  Not the best of
photos, I will admit.


Dan or Erika Tallman

".... the best shod travel with wet feet"
"Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes ...."--Thoreau

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I have been cataloging my digital photos and came across these.&nbsp; Why isn&#39;t this bird a Slaty-backed Gull?<br><br>Note dark streak through eye.<br>Relatively unpatterned back<br>White patches in lower primaries; dark outer primaries
<br>Wide, white crescents on folded wing.<br><br>Any comments from anyone with experience with the species?&nbsp; Not the best of photos, I will admit.<br><br><a href="http://www.northern.edu/tallmand/dat/misc/blowupcopy.jpg">
http://www.northern.edu/tallmand/dat/misc/blowupcopy.jpg</a><br><a href="http://www.northern.edu/tallmand/dat/misc/mysterygull3copy.jpg">http://www.northern.edu/tallmand/dat/misc/mysterygull3copy.jpg</a><br clear="all"><a href="http://www.northern.edu/tallmand/dat/misc/mysterygull4copy.jpg">
http://www.northern.edu/tallmand/dat/misc/mysterygull4copy.jpg</a><br><br>dan<br>-- <br>Dan or Erika Tallman <br><a href="http://danerika.googlepages.com/home">http://danerika.googlepages.com/home</a><br><a href="mailto:danerika@gmail.com">
danerika@gmail.com</a><br><br>&quot;.... the best shod travel with wet feet&quot; <br>&quot;Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes ....&quot;--Thoreau
