[mou] Gyr, L. Byllesby action

Hagsela@aol.com Hagsela@aol.com
Mon, 19 Mar 2007 05:25:46 EDT

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Thanks to two gentlemen named Jim I finally saw the Gyrfalcon on Hwy 55 at 
mile marker 216.   I forgot to note the time, but it was around 4:00.   He made 
a kill in the flock of geese/ducks to the south of Hwy 55.
Lake Byllesby seemed pretty busy today with lots of comings and goings.   
While I was there at 12:30 (West end) I saw two white phase Snow Geese and 12 
Greater White-fronted Geese, along with two Cackling Geese and a good assortment 
of ducks.
I saw 2 Turkey Vultures flying up the St. Croix River from Afton SP at about 
The wetland just southeast of Hastings on Ravenna Trail (10th St. from Hwy 61 
in town turns into Ravenna Trail) was open with a decent mix of water fowl 
and the added advantage of providing a nice break from the wind.
Linda Sparling

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email to everyone.  Find out more about what's free from AOL at http://www.aol.com.

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<HTML><FONT FACE=3Darial,helvetica><HTML><FONT COLOR=3D"#000000" FACE=3D"Gen=
eva" FAMILY=3D"SANSSERIF" SIZE=3D"2">Thanks to two gentlemen named Jim I fin=
ally saw the Gyrfalcon on Hwy 55 at mile marker 216.&nbsp;  I forgot to note=
 the time, but it was around 4:00.&nbsp;  He made a kill in the flock of gee=
se/ducks to the south of Hwy 55.<BR>
Lake Byllesby seemed pretty busy today with lots of comings and goings.&nbsp=
;  While I was there at 12:30 (West end) I saw two white phase Snow Geese an=
d 12 Greater White-fronted Geese, along with two Cackling Geese and a good a=
ssortment of ducks.<BR>
I saw 2 Turkey Vultures flying up the St. Croix River from Afton SP at about=
The wetland just southeast of Hastings on Ravenna Trail (10th St. from Hwy 6=
1 in town turns into Ravenna Trail) was open with a decent mix of water fowl=
 and the added advantage of providing a nice break from the wind.<BR>
Linda Sparling</FONT><FONT COLOR=3D"#000000" FACE=3D"Geneva" FAMILY=3D"SANSS=
ERIF" SIZE=3D"2"></FONT><BR><BR><BR>**************************************<B=
R> AOL now offers free email to everyone.  Find out more about what's free f=
rom AOL at http://www.aol.com.</HTML>
