[mou] Crane donations

Randy Frederickson fredericksonr@willmar.k12.mn.us
Mon, 19 Mar 2007 08:29:42 -0600

Thanks Pam Perry, MOU conservation committee chair, for providing MOU
members a concrete way to help our human friends, as they try to help our
feathered ones.  The MOU has many fine people as members, I hope we can
"make a statement" by showing our financial support (I know some of us have
already sent donations).

Also, please consider calling notice to the fact you are an MOU member as
you make your donation.  One of the reasons I belong to professional
organizations is because choirs can always sing louder than soloists.

We need to remember, most voices on our planet are not human; it is our
moral obligation to hear, AND REPRESENT them.

Randy Frederickson