[mou] Large Numbers of Common Crows

Shelley Steva crossbill7200@yahoo.com
Mon, 19 Mar 2007 19:29:43 -0700 (PDT)

 I saw a "murder" of over 100 common crows today in
Pennington County. So what you say?  Well-- that is
the largest number of crows I have seen  at one time
since West Nile started to decimate the numbers of
crows in this area.                                   
   Before West Nile appeared around here I used to see
50 or more crows at a time. NOW- I see two or three at
a time- never 100 or more. So- it was a welcome sight
today. There were crows in MANY places all along my
route to work. I would say that I saw another 30
crows- half in Pennington and half in Red Lake Co. I
presume that they were migrants arriving into this
area over this weekend.
  Good Birding 
Shelley Steva
Pennington Co.

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