[mou] Ross's geese at Lake Byllesby, Dakota

James Mattsson mattjim@earthlink.net
Tue, 20 Mar 2007 18:12:35 -0500

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20 Mar 2007
4:00 P.M. 

Ross's Goose - 2, One adult seen clearly and a possible subadult (based on dusky scapulars visible) sleeping next to it.
40 - Greater White-fronted Goose 
10 - Cackling Goose
16 species of ducks
4 species of geese
20 + Killdeer
1 Wilson's Snipe (seen yesterday, the 19th)
1 Merlin (taiga)

Also, a large white domestic-type goose has been present for several days and some have been tempted to call it a Snow Goose. It tends to stay close to the cattails. 

James Mattsson
EarthLink Revolves Around You.
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<DIV>20 Mar 2007</DIV>
<DIV>4:00 P.M. </DIV>
<DIV><STRONG>Ross's Goose</STRONG> - <STRONG>2</STRONG>, One adult seen clearly and a possible subadult (based on dusky scapulars visible) sleeping next to it.</DIV>
<DIV>40 - Greater White-fronted Goose </DIV>
<DIV>10 - Cackling Goose</DIV>
<DIV>16 species of ducks</DIV>
<DIV>4 species of geese</DIV>
<DIV>20 + Killdeer</DIV>
<DIV>1 Wilson's Snipe (seen yesterday, the 19th)</DIV>
<DIV>1 Merlin (taiga)</DIV>
<DIV>Also, a large white domestic-type goose has been present for several days and some have been tempted to call it&nbsp;a Snow Goose. It tends to stay close to the cattails. </DIV>
<DIV>James Mattsson</DIV>
<DIV><A href="mailto:mattjim@earthlink.net">mattjim@earthlink.net</A></DIV>
<DIV>EarthLink Revolves Around You.</DIV>