[mou] spring all of a sudden

TeamVagrant@aol.com TeamVagrant@aol.com
Fri, 23 Mar 2007 19:17:02 EDT

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BAM...Spring's Here!
Kestrel on the line coming home from Aitkin yesterday. (Very near the  Osprey 
Mr. and Mrs. Harrier cruising the field today when I sent Hazen out to  clean 
out the Kestrel box.
Two geese on the river (Otter river?) coming home today up Rice Lake  Road.
The Hawk-owl has been at it's Coffee Cabin haunts every day for the  last 
week again.  It seemed to have disappeared for a while.  I've  gotten some nice 
looks as it sits right on the wire or pole along the  road.
My Mom sent me a note saying she had a Yellow-headed Black Bird in her hay  
barn this morning.  First one she's had there for about 4 years...and  never 
this early!
Well, Charlie and I are off the the Rio Grande Valley for a week.   Leaving 
tomorrow.  I'm afraid spring will be done by the time I get back at  this rate.

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<DIV>BAM...Spring's Here!</DIV>
<DIV>Kestrel on the line coming home from Aitkin yesterday. (Very near the=20
Osprey nest)</DIV>
<DIV>Mr. and Mrs. Harrier cruising the field today when I sent Hazen out to=20
clean out the Kestrel box.</DIV>
<DIV>Two geese on the river (Otter river?) coming home today up Rice Lake=20
<DIV>The Hawk-owl has been&nbsp;at it's Coffee Cabin haunts every day for th=
last week again.&nbsp; It seemed to have disappeared for a while.&nbsp; I've=
gotten some nice looks as it sits right on the wire or pole along the=20
<DIV>My Mom sent me a note saying she had a Yellow-headed Black Bird in her=20=
barn this morning.&nbsp; First one she's had there for about&nbsp;4 years...=
never this early!</DIV>
<DIV>Well, Charlie and I are off the the Rio Grande Valley for a week.&nbsp;=
Leaving tomorrow.&nbsp; I'm afraid spring will be done by the time I get bac=
k at=20
this rate.</DIV>
<DIV>Chris</DIV></FONT><BR><BR><BR><DIV><FONT style=3D"color: black; font: n=
ormal 10pt ARIAL, SAN-SERIF;"><HR style=3D"MARGIN-TOP: 10px">AOL now offers=20=
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