[mou] 140th marsh-Dakota County

Jbaines317@aol.com Jbaines317@aol.com
Fri, 23 Mar 2007 19:35:23 EDT

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Cruised by 140th & 180th tonight around 5:45 just to see what was out  and 
about. Met a birder who had just seen the gyr over 180th. Not much else to  
report there tonight.
140th-the blue-winged teal are back, along with coots, mallards,  ring-necked 
ducks and even a pied-billed grebe. Saw American Tree Sparrows and  killdeer 
in the area too.
But hanging with the mallards was a "Juvenile plumage Greater White-fronted  
Goose" (hopefully not just a domestic Greylag).
Over Carpenter Nature Center today the migration continued with flocks of  
swans, groups of eagles, a Cooper's Hawk, Turkey Vultures and singing bluebirds  
and meadowlarks.
Good Birding Everyone
Jen   Vieth

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<DIV>Cruised by 140th &amp; 180th tonight around 5:45 just to see what was o=
and about. Met a birder who had just seen the gyr over 180th. Not much else=20=
report there tonight.</DIV>
<DIV>140th-the blue-winged teal are back, along with coots, mallards,=20
ring-necked ducks and even a pied-billed grebe. Saw American Tree Sparrows a=
killdeer in the area too.</DIV>
<DIV>But hanging with the mallards was a "Juvenile plumage Greater White-fro=
Goose" (hopefully not just a domestic Greylag).</DIV>
<DIV>Over Carpenter Nature Center today the migration continued with flocks=20=
swans, groups of eagles, a Cooper's Hawk, Turkey Vultures and singing bluebi=
and meadowlarks.</DIV>
<DIV>Good Birding Everyone</DIV>
<DIV><FONT lang=3D0 face=3DArial size=3D2 FAMILY=3D"SANSSERIF" PTSIZE=3D"10"=
Vieth<BR><BR></FONT></DIV></FONT><BR><BR><BR><DIV><FONT style=3D"color: blac=
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