[mou] boreal chickadees - Duluth

Molly Thompson thompm65@hotmail.com
Fri, 23 Mar 2007 20:46:38 -0400

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Hello,Today I saw at least 2 boreal chickadees in Normanna Township, off N.=
 Tischer Road.  I have long suspected that these chickadees were in the are=
a, but was never able to get a closer look once I thought I heard them.  To=
day I heard and saw them.Molly ThompsonDuluth, MN
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u need it.
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<body><div style=3D"text-align: left;">Hello,<br>Today I saw at least 2 bor=
eal chickadees in Normanna Township, off N. Tischer Road.&nbsp; I have long=
 suspected that these chickadees were in the area, but was never able to ge=
t a closer look once I thought I heard them.&nbsp; Today I heard and saw th=
em.<br>Molly Thompson<br>Duluth, MN<br></div><br /><hr />Live Search Maps =
=96 find all the local information you need, right when you need it. <a hre=
f=3D'http://maps.live.com/?icid=3Dwlmtag2&FORM=3DMGAC01' target=3D'_new'>Fi=
nd it!</a></body>
