[mou] Hyland Lake Park/ Old Cedar

linda birds@moosewoods.us
Sat, 24 Mar 2007 22:58:16 -0500

In conifers south of Richardson Nature Center one, or more likely two, 
great-horned owls were circling among and around the stand of trees to 
distance themselves from people. There seemed to be some kind of 
orienteering race in progress, which resulted in an uptick in off-trail 
traffic. On at least a half dozen occasions, we stood in silent awe as 
the bird(s) winged noiselessly--and sometimes very closely--past us.

Laura Cobles, Kelly Scott, Diana Doyle, and I had found what may be 
their nest; whenever agitated, they seemed to gravitate back in this 
direction, though we never witnessed them leaving or entering the nest. 
There were also crows presenting serious harassment at one point, so 
perhaps they avoided giving away the nest location.

While we were in the pine plantation, a huge flock--many, many 
dozens--of sandhill cranes passed overhead in formation and full voice. 
There was also a very high fly-over by a harrier, plus a turkey vulture 
and an unidentified hawk. At the nearby wetland were at least 2 male and 
2 female bluebirds actively feeding and singing, and in the mudflats, a 
killdeer was foraging. Pheasants crowed vigorously north of the Nature 
Center parking lot.

Afterwards we visited Old Cedar Avenue, and located the possible 
saw-whet owl pellets that Jen Vieth had seen on the trail to the Hogback 
pond. From under the highway bridge we saw wood ducks, hooded and common 
mergansers, shoveler, widgeon, gadwall, bufflehead, c.goldeneye, 
ring-necked ducks, scaup and coots among the mallards. By the parking 
lot there was a pileated woodpecker.

Linda Whyte