[mou] Spring, With A Twist

Pastor Al Schirmacher PastorAl@PrincetonFreeChurch.net
Mon, 26 Mar 2007 09:59:54 -0500

Saturday was to die for:

* Surprise:  74 Greater White Fronted Geese in Mille Lacs County - glad that 
Bob Janssen, the Perrys (from Brainerd) and others could enjoy these and the 
abundance of waterfowl on this new (and probably short term) pond along 169, 
near CR 13 & Long Siding.  Bob let us know that the GWF's were a county 
first.  The Snow Geese, couple of Cackling and abundant Pintails were also 
unusual (in our experience) for the area.  Couild not recheck the area this 
morning due to intense fog.

* Major surprise:  the Prairie Falcon that flew over our home and landed in 
the back trees (see Saturday's post for details).  Believe this will also be 
a county first.  Nathan had excellent looks as it, rather leisurely, flew 
over our yard - and I had solid 20X-60X scope views of it on the top of a 
tree on the neighbor's property.

This morning (Blue Hill Trail, Sherburne NWR) wasn't bad either, although 
the dense fog rendered visuals difficult.  Spring was declared everywhere by 
numerous meadowlarks, waterfowl, blackbirds, bluebirds and the like.  Solid 
audio fare.

Wonder what pushed the "westerners" east this weekend?

Nathan may have re-sighted the Prairie briefly in the area on Sunday - will 
advise if it remains.  Should you wish to check out the area, take 169 north 
to Mille Lacs 12, go west on 12 and scan the first mile or so.

Good birding to all!

Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN
Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties