[mou] FW: Dakota Snowy Egret sighted today

Laura Coble shearwater45@frontiernet.net
Mon, 26 Mar 2007 14:25:41 -0500

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From: Laura Coble [mailto:shearwater45@frontiernet.net] 
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2007 2:18 PM
To: 'mnbird@lists.mnbird.net'
Subject: Dakota Snowy Egret sighted today

This morning I had a wonderful view of the Snowy Egret first reported by
Connie Brunell on the mudflats at Lake Byllesby's west end.
Thanks to Jim Otto, who called me this am about the new location discovered
by Bob Eckblad, and to Connie, Susan Schumacher and Jim Mattson, whom I
joined during our search this morning. 
The Snowy Egret was in a small marsh pond located about a 1/4 mi. south of
Randolph, between mile marker 93 and hwy 88/56 intersection. The pond is
west of 56, very close to the road, and the shoulder is wide enough for
parking. We were able to see its golden feet and yellow lores clearly as it
perched, and later as it waded in the low level of water. It was still there
at about 11:50 am, after we stopped to see it a second time. 
Laura Coble
Cannon Falls

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<DIV dir=3Dltr align=3Dleft><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff=20
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<FONT face=3DTahoma size=3D2><B>From:</B> Laura Coble=20
[mailto:shearwater45@frontiernet.net] <BR><B>Sent:</B> Monday, March 26, =
2:18 PM<BR><B>To:</B> 'mnbird@lists.mnbird.net'<BR><B>Subject:</B> =
Dakota Snowy=20
Egret sighted today<BR></FONT><BR></DIV>
<DIV><SPAN class=3D015271318-26032007><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>This =
morning I had a=20
wonderful view of the Snowy Egret&nbsp;first reported by Connie Brunell =
on the=20
mudflats at Lake Byllesby's west end.</FONT></SPAN></DIV>
<DIV><SPAN class=3D015271318-26032007><FONT face=3DArial=20
<DIV><SPAN class=3D015271318-26032007><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Thanks =
to Jim Otto,=20
who called me this am about the new location discovered by Bob Eckblad, =
and to=20
Connie, Susan Schumacher and Jim Mattson, whom I joined&nbsp;during our =
this morning.&nbsp;</FONT></SPAN></DIV>
<DIV><SPAN class=3D015271318-26032007><FONT face=3DArial=20
<DIV><SPAN class=3D015271318-26032007><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>The =
Snowy Egret was=20
in a small marsh&nbsp;pond located&nbsp;about a&nbsp;1/4 mi.&nbsp;south =
Randolph, between&nbsp;mile marker 93 and&nbsp;hwy&nbsp;88/56=20
intersection.&nbsp;The pond is&nbsp;west of&nbsp;56, very close to the =
road, and=20
the&nbsp;shoulder is wide enough for parking. We were able to =
golden feet and yellow lores&nbsp;clearly as&nbsp;it perched, and later =
as it=20
waded in the low level of water. It was still there at about&nbsp;11:50 =
after we stopped to see it a second time. </FONT></SPAN></DIV>
<DIV><SPAN class=3D015271318-26032007><FONT face=3DArial=20
<DIV><SPAN class=3D015271318-26032007><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Laura=20
<DIV><SPAN class=3D015271318-26032007><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Cannon =

