[mou] Lake Byllesby

Leo leodwm@comcast.net
Mon, 26 Mar 2007 23:04:46 -0500

Hello all!

We made a trip to Lake Byllesby today and got quite a nice haul of new 
year birds. Our first stop was the usual west-end of the lake, where we 
looked for about 40 minutes and spotted some fly-by *Sandhill Cranes, 
*many immature *Bald Eagles, *two of our first *White Pelicans, *our 
first *Song Sparrows *of the year, about 4 or 5 *Greater White-fronted 
Geese, Canadian Geese, Mallards, Wigeons, Shovelers, *and some peeps 
that were too far away to see. We then were pointed to a huge V-flock of 
*Snow Geese *and some *Blue *morphs flying very far overhead. The geese 
circled the lake in a huge ring, then flew back over us out west.

We then headed back onto the highway and drove down to the little swamp 
on the west side of the road (before the construction site and before 
the bridge) to see the *Snowy Egret *in perfect view, very visible. 
Caught his golden slippers and everything. Then we headed down past the 
bridge and took the left into the field, spotting a few *Horned Larks, 
*and heading down to the boat ramp. We saw a flock of *Double-crested 
Cormorants *fly in, and saw our first *Phoebe *of the year. Such a cute 

Have a great spring everyone!
- Leo WM