[mou] EAPH and BAEA at Como Lake this morning

Cyndi Elias cyndielias@juno.com
Tue, 27 Mar 2007 14:51:38 GMT

Went for a run around Como Lake this morning.  Besides the expected
birds (Song Sparrows, juncos, Red-winged Blackbirds) I heard, then saw,
an Eastern Phoebe where the footpath goes under Lexington.  Then some
squawking Ring-billed Gulls attracted my attention to a Bald Eagle
sitting in a cottonwood on the eastern side of the lake.  I actually
saw an eagle in this same tree a couple years ago.  As I watched today,
the eagle flew down to the end of the spit before the gulls chased it
toward the southwest side of the lake and I lost track of it.

No waterfowl that I could see other than Mallards, but I was running
and had no binocs.  =

When I turned onto Milton to head home, I heard a pair of Brown
Creepers.  One was at about eye level due to Milton being on a hill. =

No binocs needed there.

A great morning!

Cyndi Elias
St. Paul