[mou] Purple Finch's Song Awakens...

Holly Peirson hpbirdscouter@msn.com
Thu, 29 Mar 2007 08:30:56 -0500

I was awakened this morning by the lovely, twittery, warbling song of a
Purple Finch who was making an early morning foray to my feeder. I watch as
it takes a seed, turns it with its tongue as it cracks and discards the
shell, swallows it, SINGS! And begins again... 

The first Fox Sparrows are here this AM, jumping and scratching at the
leaves alongside the junco flock... They have a lovely song, too!

Holly Peirson
Columbus, Anoka Co.

Also have the first Tzzips of the White-throated Sparrows, and the longer
rattling songs and buzzy calls of the hold-over juncos, the song sparrow out
over the marsh, bluebirds, goldfinches, cardinal's "what-cheer" song, and
both phoebe's (one from each side of the house), singing this AM.

Have I mentioned that we also are hosting a melanistic 'black' squirrel who
has blue eyes? Very elegant! It seems smaller and thinner than the regular
Eastern Grey and/or Fox Squirrels.