[mou] Fox Sparrows, Kestrel and American Robins

mahein at izoom.net mahein at izoom.net
Fri Apr 11 19:36:31 CDT 2008

When I arrived home around 6:00 this evening there were 25-30 Fox Sparrows
on the ground around my feeders and in the nearby brushpile.  I have had
2-3 around consistently for the past week, but nothing like this!  As was
watching them, a male American Kestrel swooped through the yard,
scattering the sparrows.  If that weren't enough of a show, between 6:45
and 7:00 pm I conservatively estimated 350 American Robins fly over the
yard in waves of 20-50 birds at a time.

Melissa Hein
North Branch, Chisago County

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