[mou] Greater White-fronted Geese, Sibley County

rdunlap at gac.edu rdunlap at gac.edu
Wed Mar 26 17:38:20 CDT 2008

This afternoon I found 3 Greater White-fronted Geese among a flock of  
100 or so Canada Geese on the east side of Gaylord in Sibley County.  
There is a man-made pond on the east side of town on the north side of  
Hwy. 19 that is attracting geese, although there is little open water  
here; all the geese were sitting on either the grass surrounding the  
pond or on the ice itself.

I also noticed a decent northward raptor movement this afternoon  
consisting of mostly Red-tailed Hawks and American Kestrels, with  
several Bald Eagles and Northern Harriers migrating as well.

I also found two residual Northern Shrikes in the county.

Spring's here! (more or less)

Bob Dunlap, Nicollet County

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