[mou] Sax-Zim-Meadowlands May 19th

John Green jgreen at d.umn.edu
Tue May 20 12:44:21 CDT 2008

Nothing like the Sax-Zim bog to bring people together!  Standing on the 
Arkola Road with black spruce bog on either side and no other folks 
within miles were several birders visiting. They included Sparky and his 
group of four Texans, another car with a person from Sweden accompanied 
by someone who had John as a professor in 1960 plus John and Jan Green 
from Duluth.  Another scene later on the Arkola Rd. included two birders 
(us) with a telescope focused on the godwits and then being approached 
by a fast pickup truck creating a cloud of dust.  The pickup slowed down 
as he got near, the dust subsided and the driver rolled down the window 
and said "sorry about the dust".  As I said "thank you", I also mentally 
thanked all the folks who have worked on promoting the 
Sax-Zim-Meadowlands birding area and the local people's positive response.

Now for some of the birding highlights - 59 species total.

Three Rough-legged Hawks, all near the Sax and Zim Wildlife Management Area
One Upland Sandpiper on a post, calling, with another close by in the 
grass. Hopefully they are nesting on the Arkola Rd.
Many Bobolinks and Eastern Kingbirds back in the fields along Co. 29
Hundreds of Yellow-rumped Warblers, feeding in groups over the ditches 
throughout the bog.
Very few forest birds singing; mostly Nashville Warbler, Ovenbird, Rose- 
breasted Grosbeak, White-throated Sparrow
One flock of 45 Clay-colored Sparrows with one Chipping Sparrow.
One Black-billed Magpie flying by the farms at the junction of the 
Arkola and S. Overton roads

Jan Green

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