[rba] [mou] Summer Tanager still present; LeSueur Co.

DeeAnn Bartkey rba at moumn.org
Sun Aug 24 12:22:03 CDT 2008

Hi everyone,
  John Hockema, Bob Dunlap and I were able to relocate the Summer Tanager
which was reported on the 16th at Chamberlain Woods SNA, near Ottawa in
LeSueur County. We observed it hanging around with a female Scarlet Tanager
near the parking area.
  Later, John and I found a pair of Western Grebes at Scotch Lake, near
  On another note, John and I were able to view 11 species of shorebirds in
NW Rice County this afternoon. The best were a pair of Red-necked Phalaropes
on Cody Lake near the island on the eastern end. We viewed the island from
Union Lake Trail (CR 59). There were many other shorebirds present, mostly
yellowlegs. There were also Franklin's Gulls, many pelicans, Black Terns, 5
species of swallow including Purple Martin, and a fly-over Osprey. Then we
found a great spot farther east at the intersection of Union Lake Trail and
CR 52. A very large pond with a lot of mudflats. We had 10 of our 11 species
here. This area will definitely bear watching as it's fantastic!
Good birding!
Dave Bartkey
Faribault, MN
screechowl at charter.net 
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