[rba] [mou] Lark Sparrow, Buff-breasted Sandpiper Park Point 8-24

Chris Mansfield rba at moumn.org
Sun Aug 24 13:14:13 CDT 2008

10:15-11:30 AM Imm. Lark Sparrow seen on west (harborward) side of the Park
Point recreation area beach house, generally in the short lawn between the
stone steps and the southern picnic shelter.  Ben got a few photos, and
after one alarming flush the bird was gracious enough to fly back in and
show itself for a few other interested humans.  I seem to encounter Vesper
Sparrows in Duluth every spring--more seldom in autumn--but this was my
first Lark Sparrow in the city in 10 years of birding here.  I wonder where
it came from.

Also seen, mostly on the lake side, were around 20 Baird's Sandpipers with
one Buff-breasted Sandpiper loosely associating, plus Semipalmated Sandpiper
and Semipalmated Plover.  The Baird's I saw were all juveniles, and very
confiding.  As was the Buff-breasted which approached Ben within about 5
feet.  I was interested to watch it forage at the water's edge very much
like small Calidris, then pick its way up the beach until it disappeared
into the dune grass.  Mostly it kept to the water's edge and showed only a
hint of the high-stepping gait I see in this species when it's foraging on
lawn or fields.

Notably absent were the Purple Martins which kept me company through all the
Red-throated Loon searches in July; a few Barn Swallows flew over, and the
resident Eastern Kingbirds were still feeding their fledglings, finding food
the swarms of juvenile Starlings and Ring-billed Gulls didn't get first.

Chris Mansfield
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