Minnesota Listing Totals
Italic names - deceased. Gray names - not currently active.
Checklist Format pdf html
Annual List - 2023
Annual List - 2024
Annual List - Best Year
Big Day (all)
Big Day (county)
Big Day (month)
Big Day (reported by county)
Big Day (reported by month)
Big Day (statewide reported by me)
Big Day (top)
Composite 87 Counties
County 100 Club
County 200 Club
County Lowest Count
County Lowest N Count
County Top Three Club
First Day for 100, 200, 300
Four Corners Composite
Life Minnesota List
Life Yard List
Listers Lists
Month List
Other Lists
Personally Found
Season List
Species Seen in all 12 months
Species Seen in all 87 counties
Species Seen on all 366 days

Other Lists
Brad AbendrothBird species landed and photographed in my yard - 87 plus 5 missed pictures, plus 33 flyovers/heard only/seen in neighbors yard (5/15/19)
Diane M. AndersonWorm Birds - 18
Pond Birds - 29
Bruce B. BaerMinnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge - 275

Bruce BaerMinnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge - 280
Dave BartkeyRiver Bend Nature Center - 205 species
Milton J. BlombergSt. John's Arboretum and Game Refuge-178
Holdingford High School Campus-135
Deborah Buria-Falkowskibirds personally landing on me = 4
BCC, RBN, WBN, Redpoll

Personal Birds found at Mesabi Range College: 86

(includes: Ross's Goose, Lesser Snow Goose, Snow Goose, Glaucous Gull, Gyrfalcon)

Jason CaddyWorld List- 1,703
Best single day in MN: 5/19/18, 117 Species

Kathy CarrollAudio of 96 different MN species
Shawn ConradScenic State Park - 149
Herb H. DingmannComposite 87-County Big Year 2018: 9512

7 counties each over 200 species for the year in 2021:
Benton: 209
Meeker: 205
Mille Lacs: 201
Morrison: 206
Sherburne: 206
Stearns: 215
Wright: 205

Benton County year lists: 2016 - 207; 2017 - 208; 2018 - 184; 2019 - 204; 2020 - 215; 2021 - 209; 2022 - 212; 2023 - 208
Stearns County year lists: 2016 - 201; 2017 - 219; 2018 - 203; 2019 - 210; 2020 - 237; 2021 - 215; 2022 - 239; 2023 - 220

Ben DouglasWashington County PF: 264 (as of 2/29/2024)
Lifetime single day per county aggregate: 6876
Single Year - Single Day Each - All Counties Aggregate: 2019 - 6616
Highest Minimum Day Entire Month - May 2023 - 54
Most 100+ Species Days in a Month - May 2019 - 15
100+ Species Days in a row - May 2019 - 7
Best Day Average Entire Month - May 2019 - 92.35
2023 Perfect Months: 83 (A month with all days recording the same species.)
2023 Single Year Species Sweep: House Finch (all 365 days)
2022 Lake Elmo Regional Park Big Year: 189 species
2022 Species with 50 or more day tics in year: 93
2022 Species with 100 or more day tics in year: 53
2022 Species with 200 or more day tics in year: 21
2023 Species with 300 or more day tics in year: 8
2023 Single Year, Single County, Day Ticks: 13,335 (Washington)
2019 County Tick Big Year: 10160 species ticks
2019 Species seen in all 87 counties in 1 year: 16
2019 Counties above 100 in single year: 87 of 87
2019 Highest Aggregate County Ticks in 1 Day: 5/17 - 421 (98 Grant, 95 Big Stone, 93 Stevens, 83 Traverse, 40 Swift, 12 Pope)
2023 Washington County Big Year: 245 species
2018 State Park Big Year: 73 parks in 7 months, 222 species
2018 Afton State Park Big Year: 180 species
Lake Elmo Regional Park Lifetime: 214 species
Afton State Park Lifetime: 208 species
Diana DoyleGreen Birding 222 species
Matt DufortYard List: 98
Robert M. DunlapGustavus Adolphus College - 174
Kim R. EckertDuluth city limits - 339
MN Birding Weekends - 371
Robert L. Ekblad87 counties with lifelist at least 192
72 counties with lifelist at least 200
John P. Ellis188 - Douglas County farm
Deanne EndrizziBurnsville yard 148
Ronald A. Erpelding232 species seen in 1999 Kandiyohi County big year.
Completed quest to see 200 & 201 species in each of Minnesota's 87 Counties with a Stilt Sandpiper (#200) on 8/24/2016 and a Baird's Sandpiper (#201)on 8/25/2016, both at the Lutsen Sewage Ponds in Cook County.
Completed quest to see 210 species in each of Minnesota's 87 counties with a Purple Martin (#210) in Carlton County on 6/07/2019 perched on a Martin house @ Cross Lake, north of Cromwell, MN.
As of 10/19/2019 have seen 187 species on the Erpelding Home Farm/Erpelding Generations Waterfowl Production Area
Steve L. FalkowskiSeen while cross-country skiing within ten miles of Virginia-68 Seen within 20 miles of Virginia-234

Personally found St. Louis County-261

St. Louis County north of Cotton-241

Species to freely land on me-6
Angela GerendMinnesota Lifetime List (asterisk denotes seen; + denotes heard only)

*Snow Goose
*Ross's Goose
*Greater White-fronted Goose
*Cackling Goose
*Canada Goose
*Mute Swan
*Trumpeter Swan
*Tundra Swan
*Wood Duck
*Blue-winged Teal
*Cinnamon Teal
*Northern Shoveler
*American Wigeon
*American Black Duck
*Northern Pintail
*Green-winged Teal
*Ring-necked Duck
*Greater Scaup
*Lesser Scaup
*Harlequin Duck
*Surf Scoter
*White-winged Scoter
*Black Scoter
*Long-tailed Duck
*Common Goldeneye
Barrow�s Goldeneye
*Hooded Merganser
*Common Merganser
*Red-breasted Merganser
*Ruddy Duck
*Gray Partridge
*Ring-necked Pheasant
*Ruffed Grouse
*Spruce Grouse
*Sharp-tailed Grouse
*Greater Prairie-Chicken
*Wild Turkey
*Pied-billed Grebe
*Horned Grebe
*Red-necked Grebe
*Eared Grebe
*Western Grebe
*Clark�s Grebe
*Rock Pigeon
*Eurasian Collared-Dove
*Mourning Dove
*Yellow-billed Cuckoo
*Black-billed Cuckoo
*Common Nighthawk
+Eastern Whip-poor-will
*Chimney Swift
*Ruby-throated Hummingbird
+Yellow Rail
*Virginia Rail
*Common Gallinule
*American Coot
*Sandhill Crane
*American Avocet
*Black-bellied Plover
*American Golden-Plover
*Semipalmated Plover
Piping Plover
*Upland Sandpiper
*Hudsonian Godwit
*Marbled Godwit
*Ruddy Turnstone
*Red Knot
*Stilt Sandpiper
*Baird�s Sandpiper
*Least Sandpiper
*White-rumped Sandpiper
*Buff-breasted Sandpiper
*Pectoral Sandpiper
*Semipalmated Sandpiper
*Short-billed Dowitcher
*Long-billed Dowitcher
*American Woodcock
*Wilson�s Snipe
*Spotted Sandpiper
*Solitary Sandpiper
*Lesser Yellowlegs
*Greater Yellowlegs
*Wilson�s Phalarope
*Red-necked Phalarope
Parasitic Jaeger
Sabine�s Gull
*Bonaparte�s Gull
Little Gull
*Franklin�s Gull
*Ring-billed Gull
*Herring Gull
*Iceland Gull
*Lesser Black-backed Gull
*Glaucous Gull
*Great Black-backed Gull
*Caspian Tern
*Black Tern
*Common Tern
*Forster�s Tern
*Red-throated Loon
*Pacific Loon
*Common Loon
*Double-crested Cormorant
*American White Pelican
*American Bittern
*Least Bittern
*Great Blue Heron
*Great Egret
*Snowy Egret
*Little Blue Heron
*Cattle Egret
*Green Heron
*Black-crowned Night-Heron
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
*White-faced Ibis
*Turkey Vulture
*Bald Eagle
*Northern Harrier
*Sharp-shinned Hawk
*Cooper�s Hawk
Northern Goshawk
*Red-shouldered Hawk
*Broad-winged Hawk
*Swainson�s Hawk
*Red-tailed Hawk
*Rough-legged Hawk
*Golden Eagle
*Eastern Screech-Owl
*Great Horned Owl
*Snowy Owl
*Northern Hawk Owl
*Barred Owl
*Great Gray Owl
*Long-eared Owl
Short-eared Owl
Boreal Owl
*Northern Saw-whet Owl
*Belted Kingfisher
*Red-headed Woodpecker
*Red-bellied Woodpecker
*Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
*Downy Woodpecker
*Hairy Woodpecker
*American Three-toed Woodpecker
*Black-backed Woodpecker
*Northern Flicker
*Pileated Woodpecker
*American Kestrel
*Peregrine Falcon
Prairie Falcon
*Olive-sided Flycatcher
*Eastern Wood-Pewee
*Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
*Acadian Flycatcher
*Alder Flycatcher
*Willow Flycatcher
*Least Flycatcher
*Eastern Phoebe
*Say�s Phoebe
*Great Crested Flycatcher
*Western Kingbird
*Eastern Kingbird
*Loggerhead Shrike
*Northern Shrike
*Bell�s Vireo
*Yellow-throated Vireo
*Blue-headed Vireo
*Philadelphia Vireo
*Warbling Vireo
*Red-eyed Vireo
*Canada Jay
*Blue Jay
*Black-billed Magpie
*American Crow
*Common Raven
*Horned Lark
*Purple Martin
*Tree Swallow
*Northern Rough-winged Swallow
*Bank Swallow
*Cliff Swallow
*Barn Swallow
*Black-capped Chickadee
*Boreal Chickadee
*Tufted Titmouse
*Red-breasted Nuthatch
*White-breasted Nuthatch
*Brown Creeper
*House Wren
*Winter Wren
*Sedge Wren
*Marsh Wren
*Carolina Wren
*Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
*Golden-crowned Kinglet
*Ruby-crowned Kinglet
*Eastern Bluebird
*Mountain Bluebird
*Townsend�s Solitaire
*Gray-cheeked Thrush
*Swainson�s Thrush
*Hermit Thrush
*Wood Thrush
*American Robin
*Varied Thrush
*Gray Catbird
*Brown Thrasher
*Northern Mockingbird
*European Starling
*Bohemian Waxwing
*Cedar Waxwing
*House Sparrow
*American Pipit
*Evening Grosbeak
*Pine Grosbeak
*House Finch
*Purple Finch
*Common Redpoll
*Hoary Redpoll
*Red Crossbill
*White-winged Crossbill
*Pine Siskin
*American Goldfinch
*Lapland Longspur
*Chestnut-collared Longspur
Smith�s Longspur
*Snow Bunting
Spotted Towhee
*Eastern Towhee
*American Tree Sparrow
*Chipping Sparrow
*Clay-colored Sparrow
*Field Sparrow
*Vesper Sparrow
*Lark Sparrow
*Savannah Sparrow
*Grasshopper Sparrow
*Henslow�s Sparrow
*LeConte�s Sparrow
+Nelson�s Sparrow
*Fox Sparrow
*Song Sparrow
*Lincoln�s Sparrow
*Swamp Sparrow
*White-throated Sparrow
*Harris�s Sparrow
*White-crowned Sparrow
*Dark-eyed Junco
*Yellow-breasted Chat
*Yellow-headed Blackbird
*Eastern Meadowlark
*Western Meadowlark
*Orchard Oriole
*Baltimore Oriole
*Red-winged Blackbird
*Brown-headed Cowbird
*Rusty Blackbird
*Brewer�s Blackbird
*Common Grackle
Great-tailed Grackle
*Louisiana Waterthrush
*Northern Waterthrush
*Golden-winged Warbler
*Blue-winged Warbler
*Black-and-white Warbler
*Prothonotary Warbler
*Tennessee Warbler
*Orange-crowned Warbler
*Nashville Warbler
*Connecticut Warbler
*Mourning Warbler
*Kentucky Warbler
*Common Yellowthroat
*Hooded Warbler
*American Redstart
*Cape May Warbler
*Cerulean Warbler
*Northern Parula
*Magnolia Warbler
*Bay-breasted Warbler
*Blackburnian Warbler
*Yellow Warbler
*Chestnut-sided Warbler
*Blackpoll Warbler
*Black-throated Blue Warbler
*Palm Warbler
*Pine Warbler
*Yellow-rumped Warbler
*Black-throated Green Warbler
*Canada Warbler
*Wilson�s Warbler
*Summer Tanager
*Scarlet Tanager
Western Tanager
*Northern Cardinal
*Rose-breasted Grosbeak
*Blue Grosbeak
*Indigo Bunting

Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
*Eurasian Wigeon
*King Eider (twice)
*White-winged Dove
Black-necked Stilt
Snowy Plover
Purple Sandpiper
Western Sandpiper
Red Phalarope
Pomarine Jaeger
*Black-legged Kittiwake
Laughing Gull
California Gull
Slaty-backed Gull
Arctic Tern
*Neotropic Cormorant
Brown Pelican
Glossy Ibis
Black Vulture
Mississippi Kite
Ferruginous Hawk
Burrowing Owl
*Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
*White-eyed Vireo
Rock Wren
*Eurasian Tree Sparrow
Sprague�s Pipit
*Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch
Lark Bunting
*Golden-crowned Sparrow
Worm-eating Warbler
*Yellow-throated Warbler
Prairie Warbler
Black-headed Grosbeak
Lazuli Bunting
Painted Bunting

*Ivory Gull
*Roseate Spoonbill
*Bullock's Oriole
*Swainson's Warbler
*Anna's Hummingbird
Ben HarsteOld Cedar/Bass Ponds List - 181
Jason HedlundSelf Found Washington County: 233 (as of 2024-06-17)
5 Mile Radius of Home: 223 (as of 2024-05-16)
MN Species with Audio recordings: 168 (as of 2024-05-31)
Life List (World): 473 (as of 2024-05-26)
Observed Copulation ;) (MN): 6
Jan 1 Lifetime Species: 37 (as of 2024)
Feb 29 Lifetime Species: 53 (as of 2024)
ABA: 423 (as of 2024-05-26)
Melissa HeinFormer Yard List - 134
Robert E. HoltzLife List = 2,317
Townhouse Life List = 101
Ezra HoschMahtomedi - 190
Ronald L. HuberBirding records to shoot for: 12 owl species in 9 months & 6 days (8Dec1962 to 14Sep1963.
Jim HughesNumber of consecutive 100+ Big Days - 9 (May 16-24, 2009)
Paul E. JantscherBig Day: Ducks, 23 Duck species personally found in 2 hours birding Wabasha Co.
Big Year: Ducks, 27 Duck species personally found throughout MN in 2021
Big January Ducks, 22 Duck species personally found in Jan. 2024

My MN "Big Years". All these birds are personally and honestly found on my own, without apps, alerts, Evilbird, F-book or any other assistance. I just go out and look for birds. My birds are found employing effort, skill and luck, three factors not involved with chasing!

254 in 2020
270 in 2021
280 in 2022
256 in 2023
Jeanie M. JoppruAgassiz National Wildlife Refuge-244
Mark Junghans137 species Aitkin Cty cabin yard list
Ken LaFondCarlos Avery WMA 272
Anoka County 2009 208
Andrew B. LongtinAndrews Target Field Life List(species seen = 31)
Andrews Midway Stadium Life List(species seen = 7)
Life World: 434
Corcoran Yard List = 151

Hennepin Co. 366 Day list = 12
Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove
Downy Woodpecker
Blue Jay
American Crow
Black-capped Chickadee
White-breasted Nuthatch
European Starling
American Robin
House Finch
American Goldfinch
Northern Cardinal

Fastest to 100 Henn Co. 3/31/24

First Hennepin Co. Eurasian Tree Sparrow (Yard list)
First Norman Co. Burrowing Owl

Working on eliminating need for PF list by finding on my own:
Long-tailed Duck
Barrow's Goldeneye
Snowy Egret
Kentucky Warbler

All other birds from MN Life were not stakeout birds

Dennis D. MartinJanuary 1st lifetime species - 122
Craig A. MenzeYard list 160
Steve Millard90 Water feature
Richard L. MillerABA 657
Charlene Nelsonfrom recorded eBird data
Tom A. NelsonNumber of consecutive 100+ Big Days - 7 (May 18-24, 2009)
Big Sit--82 species, Katie Nelson, Tom Nelson,5/16/21
Andrew Nyhus.
My earliest Date to see 100 species: Jan 26th 2012 - 12:35pm
My earliest Date to see 200 species: Apr 27th 2012 - 2:25pm
My earliest Date to see 300 species: Aug 1st 2013 - 7:45am
Best year total: 2012 - 310 species
2012 - 7 Owl Species in 57 days
2012 - 8 Owl Species in 143 days
2012 - 9 Owl Species in 237 days

Steve Oakleyebird
Ray PotthoffYard List - 1 chipping sparrow
brown creeper 4/24/11
purple finch 12/11/11
hairy woodpecker 12/11/11
crow 12/11/11
juncoe 12/11/11
downy woodpecker 12/11/11
blue jay 12/11/11
chickadee 12/11/11
red bellied woodpecker 12/11/11
grackle 12/11/11
bald eagle 12/11/11
white breasted nuthatch 12/11/11
Tufted Titmouse
Mourning Dove
Pine Sisking
Red-breasted Nuthatch
House Sparrow
Blue Jay
White-breasted Nuthatch
Common Red Poll
House Finch
Red Bellied Woodpecker
Turkey Vulture
Red Tailed Hawk
Fox Sparrow
Northern Oriole
Canada Goose
Chipping Sparrow

Jerry PruettABA Area list- 780 (lost few due to new ebird rules 2022)
US all states- 771
Lower 48- 712
World Life 4424
Tate PutmanRitter Farm Park list: 164
Species Audio Recorded in MN: 191
Lakeville City Limits: 218
Janet ReuschList out of state species seen:
Al Schirmacher169 Corridor, 292; Sherburne Refuge, 231
Matthew Scott2022 Stearns County Big Year - 240 Species
Gregg SeversonBig green half year (January to June 2019): 211 species
Big green year (2019): 238 species in MN (239 species overall)
Green birding Minnesota life list: 270
Green birding Hennepin county life list: 241
Brian T. SmithBirds seen at/from the Sleepy Eye WTP'S - 182
Linda SparlingLake Elmo Park Reserve, Washington County - 169
Dana SternerSack/Sterner Yard List: 89 through 5/31/18, 97 through 5/19/23
BG Yard List: 117 through 5/18/24
Steve StuckerAll listing totals submitted to MOU & eBird are Personally Found (PF), including (in part):

PF Composite 87 counties: 15,278

PF Kanabec County: 261
PF Ramsey County: 238
PF St. Louis County: 228
PF Isanti County: 221
PF Roseau County: 216

PF Peace Township (Kanabec): 206
PF Grass Lake Township (Kanabec): 196
PF South Fork Township (Kanabec): 195
PF Comfort Township (Kanabec): 186

PF Kanabec County 2018 Annual list: 202
PF Kanabec County 2019 Annual list: 212
PF Kanabec County 2020 Annual list: 214
PF Kanabec County 2022 Annual list: 196

Months (statewide):
PF April: 233
PF May: 286
PF June: 264
PF July: 218
PF August: 204
PF September: 220
Peder H. SvingenAgassiz NWR -- 246
Duluth city limits -- 321
Howard TowleCounty Big Day: Anoka Co, MN: 5/16/2009 - Total Species = 141; Paul Budde, Doug Kieser, Mark Ochs, Howard Towle
Liren VargheseBiggest day: 107 (2012-05-19)
Duluth: 175
Itasca SP: 174
Minneapolis: 193
Minnesota Valley NWR: 203 [per eBird boundaries]
World: 763
Top Annual County Count: 211 (2018, Hennepin)
Josh Wallestad2020 Kandiyohi County Big Year: 238 Species

All 19 regular Owl species in the U.S. seen and photographed, including a Northern Saw-whet Owl INSIDE the Willmar Menards.
Garrett WeePersonal earliest date to see all of Minnesota's "Regular" Owl species (10sp.)- Jan 28th, 2018
Ben A. Wieland2009 Cass County Big Day 5/26 (with Dale Yerger, Molly Malecek, Larry Olson) - 152 species

Woodrow Township List - 199 species
Warren WoessnerWood Lake - 180
Richard WoodOther 2010 Birds
Orange-crowned Warbler
Carolina Chickadee
Brown Creeper