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-RBA *Minnesota *Detroit Lakes *June 16, 2000 *MNDL0006.16 -Birds mentioned
Hotline: Minnesota, Detroit Lakes
Date: June 16, 2000
Sponsor: Lakes Area Birding Club, Detroit Lakes Regional Chamber of Commerce
Reports: 1-800-542-3992 (weekdays during business hours)
Compiler: Betsy Beneke (Betsy_Beneke@fws.gov)
Transcriber: Betsy Beneke (Betsy_Beneke@fws.gov)
Re-transcriber: David Cahlander (dac@skypoint.com)
This is the Northwest Minnesota Birding Report for Friday, June 16th sponsored by the Detroit Lakes Regional Chamber of Commerce and the Lakes Area Birding Club. It is also available by calling 1-800-433-1888 or (218) 847-5743.
Sightings from NW Minnesota are welcomed from everyone and requested no later than Thursday morning each week. Contact:
Betsy Beneke (218) 847-2641 betsybeneke@lakesnet.net 1-800-542-3992 (Chamber)
On the 12th, Colin Gjervold found a singing HENSLOW'S SPARROW on the Flickertail WPA in Clay County. From the town of Ulen, go four miles west on Co. Rd. 34, then one mile south on a gravel road. At this point you're at the southeast corner of the WPA, and should walk about 50-100 yards in. There will be a wetland on your right.
I've received reports of DICKCISSELS in Clay and Otter Tail Counties. The easiest location to check would be at Glendalough State Park, Otter Tail Co., as reported by Dan & Sandy Thimgan. Look at the restored prairie just across County Road 16 from the park entrance sign.
In Clay Co., go four miles west of Hawley on State Hwy. 10, then 1.5 miles south on Co. Rd. 23. Turn west on the 1st gravel road and go .5 mile. A bird was seen near the shelterbelt on the north side of the road. This bird was reported by Colin Gjervold.
Steve Millard reports that there were four CATTLE EGRETS and a SNOWY EGRET at Lake Alice in Fergus Falls, Otter Tail Co. on the 14th. Teresa Jaskiewicz also reports four CATTLE EGRETS in the butterfly garden at the Prairie Wetlands Learning Center on Hwy. 210 in Fergus Falls.
At Old Mill State Park in Kittson Co., Mary Broten reports LONG-EARED OWLS in the pine plantation near the office.
Holly Peirson and Jack and Nancy Moore visited the Rothsay Prairie in Wilkin Co. on June 8-9. Some of the birds reported were a number of GREATER PRAIRIE-CHICKENS, and SHORT-EARED OWLS, as well as MARBLED GODWIT, UPLAND SANDPIPER, numerous BOBOLINKS, CLAY-COLORED SPARROWS and GRASSHOPPER SPARROWS. They also found a WILLOW FLYCATCHER at the junction of Co. Rds. 11 and 15.
Lee Aide birded the Bluestem Prairie SNA in Clay Co. on June 9th and found SHORT-EARED OWL, many grassland sparrows and an unidentified falcon.
Jeannie Joppru has been doing point counts at the Agassiz NWR in Marshall Co. She reports finding NELSON'S SHARP-TAILED SPARROWS & ORCHARD ORIOLE.
Lee Aide also visited the Agassiz NWR in Marshall Co. on June 10th. Some species reported there included FORSTER'S TERNS, BLACK TERNS, BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON, FRANKLIN'S GULLS, AMERICAN BITTERN, BLACK-BILLED MAGPIE, RED-NECKED GREBE, and the largest colony of CLIFF SWALLOWS he'd ever seen!
Jerry Rodriguez reported a WESTERN GREBE on Cotton Lake in Becker Co. on June 11th. I also received a late report of a pair of WESTERN GREBES that were seen by Larry Hanson on June 4th on Bad Medicine Lake in Becker County. The pair was observed doing a courtship display, which is odd because there really is no grebe-type habitat on the entire lake!
NOTE: I'd like to encourage birders who visit some of our state or federal areas that have a headquarters or office on-site, to share your bird lists and location maps for the more interesting species with them. Then they in turn can share information with folks who come after you.
Thank you to everyone who reported birds this week! The next update of this report will be on Friday, June 23rd.