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-RBA *Minnesota *Detroit Lakes *September 8, 2000 *MNDL0009.08 -Birds mentioned
Hotline: Minnesota, Detroit Lakes
Date: September 8, 2000
Sponsor: Lakes Area Birding Club, Detroit Lakes Regional Chamber of Commerce
Reports: 1-800-542-3992 (weekdays during business hours)
Compiler: Betsy Beneke (BetsyBeneke@lakesnet.net)
Transcriber: Betsy Beneke (BetsyBeneke@lakesnet.net)
Re-transcriber: David Cahlander (dac@skypoint.com)
This is the Northwest Minnesota Birding Report for Friday, September 8th sponsored by the Detroit Lakes Regional Chamber of Commerce and the Lakes Area Birding Club. You may also hear this report by calling 1-800-433-1888 or (218) 847-5743.
Everyone is encouraged to share interesting sightings from Northwestern Minnesota. Please report them by Thursday noon to: Betsy Beneke (218) 847-2641 betsybeneke@lakesnet.net 1-800-542-3992
>From the Red Lake WMA headquarters at Norris Camp in Lake of the Woods County, Gretchen Mehmel reports these birds over the past week: TURKEY VULTURE, GREAT HORNED OWL, BROAD-WINGED HAWK, EVENING GROSBEAK, GRAY JAY and migrant or gathering flocks of NORTHERN FLICKERS and BLUE JAYS.
A September 7th report from Lake Bronson State Park includes: migrating COMMON NIGHTHAWKS, small flocks of SANDHILL CRANES, many RUBY-THROATED HUMMINGBIRDS, BALD EAGLE and OSPREY near the lake, SHARP-TAILED GROUSE and GRAY PARTRIDGE.
On September 1st, near Thief River Falls in Pennington Co., Shelley Steva observed waves of warblers moving through the area, including BAY-BREASTED WARBLER, TENNESSEE WARBLER and AMERICAN REDSTART. There were also YELLOW-THROATED VIREOS and RED-EYED VIREOS with the warblers.
On August 31st, Blane Klemek reported four AMERICAN GOLDEN-PLOVERS in a field by the Wetlands, Pines & Prairies Audubon Sanctuary in Polk County.
There were seven AMERICAN GOLDEN-PLOVERS at the Hamden Slough NWR in Becker County on September 2nd.
Sally Hausken observed seven COMMON LOONS on Big Detroit Lake in Becker County on September 6th.
Mary Wyatt has been reporting good numbers of warblers, along with a few other species moving through her yard south of Detroit Lakes in Becker County this past week. Birds observed included: BAY-BREASTED WARBLER, ORANGE-CROWNED WARBLER, CHESTNUT-SIDED WARBLER, MAGNOLIA WARBLER, BLACK-THROATED GREEN WARBLER, NASHVILLE WARBLER, WILSON'S WARBLER, GOLDEN-WINGED WARBLER, NORTHERN PARULA, BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLER, TENNESSEE WARBLER, CANADA WARBLER, and OVENBIRD, as well as BALTIMORE ORIOLE, ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK, BLUE-HEADED VIREO, RED-EYED VIREOS and VEERY. She also had WILD TURKEY tracks and feathers in the driveway.
At the Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge in Becker County this past week, some birds reported by Erika Sitz, Hal Halvorson & refuge staff included an (early) ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK, also RED-TAILED HAWK, RED-SHOULDERED HAWK, BROAD-WINGED HAWK, COOPER'S HAWK, SHARP-SHINNED HAWK, COMMON LOON, TRUMPETER SWAN, warblers, NORTHERN FLICKER, EASTERN BLUEBIRD, RUBY-THROATED HUMMINGBIRD and HERMIT THRUSH.
On September 6th, Teresa Jaskiewicz reported large numbers of sparrows at the Prairie Wetlands Learning Center. Species reported: SONG SPARROW, VESPER SPARROW, SAVANNAH SPARROW, FIELD SPARROW, CLAY-COLORED SPARROW, and CHIPPING SPARROW. She also had RUBY-CROWNED KINGLETS and a PHILADELPHIA VIREO at her home north of Fergus Falls. These sightings were all in Otter Tail County.
Thanks to everyone for sharing sightings this week. The next scheduled update of this report is Friday, September 15th.