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-RBA *Minnesota *Duluth/North Shore *October 29, 1998 *MNDU9810.29 -Birds mentioned
Hotline: Minnesota, Duluth/North Shore
Overall, the birding in Duluth and up the North Shore of Lake Superior has
been very slow recently with most observers reporting both relatively few
species and low numbers of individual birds. However, with a cold
front moving in starting tomorrow, the birding will hopefully
improve; and there were were some isolated rarities seen recently,
although the best of these were present for only a short time: these
included a fourth-state-record BRAMBLING, SCISSOR-TAILED FLYCATCHER,
The BRAMBLING was present at Audrey Evers' feeder in Hoyt Lakes in St.
Louis County on October 22 and 23, but unfortunately by the time
arrangements could be made for visiting birders to go to her yard starting
on Saturday, the 24th, the bird was gone and it has not reappeared. If by
any chance the bird should reappear, this tape would be updated as soon as
possible with that information.
Terry Brashear and Steve Roman of the Twin Cities found a SCISSOR-TAILED
FLYCATCHER at the Grand Marais harbor in Cook County on October 24, but
it was only seen for a short time before disappearing.
Also briefly in Grand Marais were two HARLEQUIN DUCKS on the 25th seen by
Tony Hertzel of the Twin Cities, but unfortunately the birds were not
relocated later by others.
And Tony also found a NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD the same day at Taconite
Harbor, Cook County, but again no one was successful in relocating it.
Other birds of interest reported recently were: two HARLEQUIN
DUCKS seen again October 26 at the Superior Entry breakwaters at
the south end of Park Point in Duluth, which have been present for
several days; late migrating AMERICAN REDSTART and ROSE-BREASTED
GROSBEAK, both reported by Jim and Sharon Lind in Two Harbors, Lake
County, on the 24th; a late and apparenly injured LONG-BILLED
DOWITCHER seen October 27 along Superior Street just west of Lakewood
and OLDSQUAWS were still being seen at various locations in Duluth
and up the North Shore as of at least this past weekend.
Finally, although the weekly loon survey on Mille Lacs Lake October 27
failed to turn up as many loons as the previous week, SURF SCOTERS were
seen along
Mille Lacs County Road 35 on the west side of the lake, and at the Wealthwood
public access on the north side; and two very late CASPIAN TERNS were still
present on the north end of County Road 35.
Unless something unusual is seen in the meantime that needs to be reported
on immediately, this tape is normally updated once a week each
Thursday, so that the next scheduled update will be on November 5. And, as
always, if you have birds to report you may leave a message after the tone.
Callers should also note that they can leave a message if they wish to
without having to wait for the birding
report to end. To do this, after the tape starts playing, push 5 on your
touch tone phone, the tape will then stop, the tone will sound, and
you can then leave your message.
[Send your rare and unusual Minnesota sightings to our electronic hotline: Mn
RBA. To learn more about it, send a message ( the message being these two
words: info end) to mnrba-request@linux.winona.msus.edu]
From mnrba-owner@linux.winona.msus.edu Fri Nov 6 10:42:54 1998
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Date: Fri, 6 Nov 1998 10:37:57 -0600 (CST)
Hotline: Minnesota Duluth/North Shore
This is the Duluth Birding Report for Thursday, November 5,
sponsored by the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
Unfortunately, the generally dull birding situation in Duluth and along
the North Shore of Lake Superior reported on last week's tape has
continued into this week, as the variety of species and numbers of
individual birds in the area are still quite low. However, there were a
few isolated reports of rarities recently, including a POSSIBLE RUFOUS
Yesterday morning, November 4, an unidentified HUMMINGBIRD appeared in
a yard on the 2300 block of East 3rd Street in Duluth. From the
description it sounds like it might have been a Rufous Hummingbird, of
which there are several previous Minnesota records. However, the bird
was apparently not seen yesterday afternoon or today, so its identity
will probably not be determined.
Esther Gesick and Bill Marengo of the Twin Cities found an "AUDUBON'S"
YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLER on October 31 in Grand Marais in Cook County, but
it could not be relocated the next day. This western form, which had
once been considered a separate species (and may be again), has been
sighted several times previously in Minnesota.
Also on October 31 a PACIFIC LOON was seen by many observers on the
Burlington Bay side -- or east side -- of Two Harbors in Lake County. This
bird was apparently still present on November 2.
On the 2nd another PACIFIC LOON was seen on Mille Lacs Lake at
Garrison in Crow Wing County. This bird had previously been found there
in mid-October.
On November 1 a first winter THAYER'S GULL was found in the Grand
Marais Harbor.
On the same day Warren Nelson of Aitkin saw a GREAT
GRAY OWL along Aitkin County Road 18 just east of Pietz's Road, 4 miles
east of U.S. Highway 169, which is a traditional site for this species. Warren
also reports that SHARP-TAILED GROUSE are being seen consistently in
Aitkin County just west of Gun Lake. To reach this location, go north
from MN Highway 210 on Co. Rd. 5 for 4.5 miles, turn west on Township Road
380 for 3 miles, then turn south for 0.5 miles and look for the grouse
along the driveway on the east side of the road.
At Hawk Ridge a RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER has been seen a few times
recently down the hill from the Main Overlook, and BLACK-BACKED
WOODPECKERS were also seen at Hawk Ridge November 1, both migrating
past the Main Overlook and in the pine plantation along Skyline
Parkway 0.7 miles beyond the Main Overlook.
Other birds of note seen recently in Duluth include a late unidentified
SWALLOW on November 2, the first BOREAL CHICKADEE of the season
November 4 at Hawk Ridge, a NORTHERN CARDINAL seen yesterday at
Stony Point, and BLACK SCOTERS October 30 at the Park Point
Recreation Area.
Other birds seen last weekend up the North Shore of Lake Superior
include a BLACK SCOTER at Grand Marais, good numbers of migrating RED
CROSSBILLS at several locations with just a few WHITE-WINGEDS in Grand Marais,
a few NORTHERN SHRIKES, a couple of BOHEMIAN WAXWING flocks, and a
lone COMMON REDPOLL -- but, again, the number of birds seen overall was
Finally, the hawk totals for the month of October at the Hawk Ridge Main
Overlook have been added up, and they include:569 T. Vultures
5 Ospreys
1391 Bald Eagles (peak of 317 on Oct. 19)
170 N. Harriers
6696 Sharp-shinneds
55 Cooper's
143 N. Goshawks (peak of 23 on Oct. 20)
27 Broad-wingeds
7557 Red-taileds (peak of 1537 on Oct. 20)
39 Rough-leggeds (a lower number than usual)
33 Golden Eagles
169 Am. Kestrels
161 Merlins (peak of at 32 on Oct.18)
6 Peregrines
4 Red-shouldereds;
for a monthly total of 17,027, with a season total since mid-August of 43,196.
The next scheduled update of this tape will be two days earlier than usual,
on Tuesday, November 20.
[Send your rare and unusual Minnesota sightings to our electronic
hotline: MnRBA. To learn more, send a message (the message being these
two words: info end) to
Sightings can be called in directly to the tape, (218) 525-5952, by
leaving a message after the tone at the end of the tape.]
Date: October 29, 1998
Sponsor: Minnesota Ornithologists' Union (MOU)
Compiled and written by: Kim Eckert
Transcriber: Catherine Severin
Re-transcriber: David Cahlander (dac@skypoint.com)
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November 5 Duluth Birding Report
Sender: owner-mnrba@linux.winona.msus.edu
Precedence: bulk
Reply-To: kreckert@cp.duluth.mn.us (Kim R. Eckert)
Status: RO
Date: November 5, 1998
Sponsor: Minnesota Ornithologists' Union (MOU)
Reports: (218) 525-5952
Compiled and written by Kim Eckert
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