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Previous reports: August
, September
Other Hotlines: Minnesota Duluth/North Shore | Detroit Lakes
-RBA *Minnesota *Minnesota Statewide *October 3, 2002 *MNST0210.03 -Birds mentioned
Hotline: Minnesota Statewide
Date: October 3, 2002
Sponsor: Minnesota Ornithologists' Union (MOU) http://biosci.umn.edu/~mou/
Reports: (763) 780-8890
Compiler: Anthony Hertzel
Transcriber: Anthony Hertzel (ahertzel@uswest.net)
This is the Minnesota Birding Report for Thursday, October 3rd, sponsored by the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
At least one PARASITIC JAEGER was seen in Duluth, St. Louis County, off the recreation area of Park Point on September 28th. Also in the area were both WHITE-WINGED SCOTER and BLACK SCOTER.
On October 1st, Jim Barrett recorded the following shorebirds at Morgan Park in St. Louis County: AMERICAN GOLDEN-PLOVER, DUNLIN, PECTORAL SANDPIPER, and LEAST SANDPIPER.
While many callers have bemoaned paucity of the fall warbler migration, sparrows have been found in good numbers. In Brown County, Brian Smith reported the first FOX SPARROW of the year on 29th along the Cottonwood River near Sleepy Eye, along with CHIPPING SPARROW, FIELD SPARROW, LINCOLN'S SPARROW, WHITE-THROATED SPARROW, SAVANNAH SPARROW, VESPER SPARROW, and HARRIS'S SPARROW.
Many migrant sparrows were also at Wood Lake Nature Center in Hennepin County earlier in the week, along with EASTERN PHOEBE, WINTER WREN, GOLDEN-CROWNED KINGLET, RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET, and ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK.
Manley Olson reported good numbers of migrants from the Mount Olivett Retreat near Farmington in Dakota County. Among the species he found over the weekend were MARSH WREN, SEDGE WREN, WINTER WREN, and BALTIMORE ORIOLE.
This state-wide birding report is brought to you and financially supported by the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union (MOU). The MOU is Minnesota's oldest and largest bird club.
The report is composed from observations generously submitted by MOU members and other birders throughout the state. You can support this weekly birding update by submitting your bird reports to Anthony Hertzel at axhertzel@sihope.com or by calling the hotline directly at 763-780-8890 and leaving a detailed message.
MOU members receive this report directly on MOU-net, the club's free e-mail listservice, which is available to anyone interested. For information contact Paul Budde at pbudde@aol.com.
MOU members receive the organization's quarterly journal "The Loon" and the bimonthly magazine, "Minnesota Birding". For membership information, send an e-mail message to our membership secretary at moumembers@yahoo.com.
The MOU is pleased to offer this service. Thank you, and good birding.
The next scheduled update of this tape is Thursday, October 10th.
Send your rare and unusual Minnesota sightings to our electronic hotline: MOU-net@biosci.umn.edu. To learn more, send a message (the message being these two words: info mou-net) to majordomo@biosci.umn.edu.