Minnesota Duluth/North Shore

Previous reports: March 12 21 , April 4 11 18 , May 3 .
Other Hotlines: Minnesota Statewide/Twin Cities
*Duluth/North Shore
*May 9, 1996

-Birds mentioned

Hotline: Minnesota Duluth/North Shore
Date: May 9, 1996
Sponsor: Minnesota Ornithologists' Union (MOU)
Reports: (218) 525-5952
Compiler: Kim Eckert
Transcriber: Rick Schroeder

This is the Duluth Birding Report for May 9th, sponsored by the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.

I received a message last Sunday, May 5th, of a male SUMMER TANAGER coming to a feeder that day, in the Fond-Du-Lac neighborhood of Duluth. Unfortunately I was unable to understand the observer's name, and no address or phone number was given. It would be appreciated, if that observer is listening, if he could give that information--especially if the bird is still present.

Another rarity reported recently was the LARK SPARROW seen May 3rd at Nancy Jackson's feeder on Andover Street in Hoyt Lakes, northern St. Louis County.

Other species of note seen this week include three OLDSQUAWS reported by Dave Benson in Cook County, May 5th at the mouth of the Cadence River; three LAPLAND LONGSPURS seen May 6th, in Marie Glaseman's yard on Church Street, just north of Duluth; a SANDHILL CRANE flying over Uva Couch's yard on Ryan Road on the 6th; also, on the 6th a NORTHERN CARDINAL seen on the 4700 block of Regent Street in Duluth; the eight AMERICAN WHITE PELICANS flying over Mike Hendrickson's yard on Orange Street May 7th, and on the same day on Park Point, there were a late SNOW BUNTING, HARRIS' SPARROW, BREWER'S BLACKBIRD, SPOTTED SANDPIPER, FORSTER'S TERN, and RUDDY DUCKS, along with a good number of other water birds gathering on the bay side in response to the smelt run.

There has also been a good concentration of water birds yesterday, May 8th, and also today, in front of my yard on the 8200 block of Congdon Blvd, at the edge of the icepack on Lake Superior. These include a group of 20 WHITE-WINGED SCOTERS today, along with 200-300 BONAPARTE'S GULLS, yesterday, several species of ducks, some FORSTER'S TERNS, and both HORNED and RED-NECKED GREBES.

Terry Wiens today saw some late TUNDRA SWANS, a late AMERICAN TREE SPARROW, plus a SORA and SEDGE WREN at Mud Lake in Gary, New Duluth. And there was also a very late COMMON REDPOLL coming to Steve Olmstead's feeder in Lakeside, as recently as today.

Needless to say, spring migration has been several days behind schedule, as the cool and cloudy weather continues to prevail here, and many lakes north of Duluth are still frozen. Hopefully there will be a warm up and a big push of migrants in time for our Tenth Annual Bird-a-thon and St. Louis County Big Day on Saturday, May 18th. Thirteen or fourteen birding teams which include 45 to 50 birders will be out that day in an effort to find as many species as possible. 180 to 190 species are expected and pledges are still being solicited, based on the number of birds we find, with all the proceeds for the benefit of Hawk Ridge Nature Reserve.

There will also be a compilation and a Potluck Brunch on Sunday morning, the 19th, starting at 9:00 a.m., at Leotta Pearson's house in Morgan Park. Everyone is invited, whether or not they went out birding on May 18th, but if you plan to attend, please call Leotta. For further information about pledges, or forming or joining one of the Birdathon Teams, call Terry Wiens.

The next scheduled update of this tape will be on Sunday, May 19th, with the results of the Hawk Ridge Birdathon.

And as always, if you have birds to report, you may leave a message after the tone. Also, note for future reference that callers can leave a message if they wish, without having to wait for this birding report to end. To do this, after the tape starts playing, push "5" on your touchtone phone. The tape will then stop, the tone will sound, and you can then leave your message.

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