-RBA *Minnesota *Minnesota Statewide *August 17, 1995 *MNST9508.17 - Birds mentioned
Hotline: Minnesota Statewide/Twin Cities
Date: August 17, 1995
Sponsor: Minnesota Ornithologists' Union
Reports: (612) 780-8890
Compiler: Tony Hertzel
Transcriber: David Homzik (homzi001@maroon.tc.umn.edu)
This is the Minnesota Birding Report for Thursday, August 17, sponsored by the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
Two CLARK'S GREBES are being seen at the HQ pool at Agassiz NWR in Marshall county. This is the same area where one CLARK'S GREBE has been present as early as July 20.
Dave Cahlander saw a BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER for a brief while in South St Paul on August 10, but the bird did not stay around long. The location is at Hardman Ave along the Mississippi River. On August 16, a CASPIAN TERN was seen in this area along with approximately 750 RING-BILLED GULLS.
I have a second hand report of a RUDDY TURNSTONE in Rice county on August 14, but details as to the specific location are unknown.
SEMI-PALMATED PLOVER, both YELLOWLEGS, STILT, SEMI-PALMATED,LEAST and PECTORAL SANDPIPERS plus SANDERLING were all seen in Duluth on Wednesday, August 16. All these birds were at the 40th Ave West mud flats.
RED NECKED and WILSON'S PHALAROPES were present at the Thief River Falls sewage ponds on August 11.
Steve Carlson reports that on August 17, he observed 7 species of migrating warbler at Robert's Sanctuary in South Minneapolis, including a male HOODED WARBLER plus CANADA, BLACK AND WHITE, TENNESSEE and NORTHERN WATERTHRUSH.
Forest ? reports the surprising find of both a BAIRD'S SPARROW and a HENSLOW'S SPARROW at the Felton Prairie on Friday, August 4, but neither of these birds could be relocated.
The next scheduled update of this tape is Thursday, August 24. If you have birds to report, please leave your name, phone number and a brief but specific message.
- End transcript