[mou] Crosby Farm Park today

linda birds at moosewoods.us
Fri May 4 00:17:19 EDT 2007

some recent arrivals there since  over a week ago:

lots of warbling vireos (good look at one as it struggled with a 
caterpillar or worm)---a couple of Swainson's thrush, posing 
cooperatively---a waterthrush, N. I think, over the flooded area in the 
east end of the park--many blue-gray gnatcatchers, one also very 
cooperative---still lots of yellow-rumps, and some w-t sparrows, but 
none of the white-crowned sparrows seen at Bass Ponds last night---no 
song from the barred owls today, but plenty of vocalizing from the 
kingfisher, who was more active than at any time in recent memory, and 
scoldings from scads of house wrens--heard only: yellow warbler, 
redstart--seen repeatedly: 5 turkey vultures (probably waiting for some 
birder to keel over from warbler neck)--no sign of palm warblers, though 
there were many at Old Cedar and at Richardson Nature center earlier 
this week

Linda Whyte

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