[mou] Sherburne/Kanabec Counties - 5/15/2007

CRAIG MANDEL EgretCMan at msn.com
Tue May 15 20:54:32 EDT 2007

May 15, 2007

Went birding with a small group today to Sherburne and Kanabec Counties. 
Here is a short list of some of the species observed today.

7:30 - 8:00 am - Sand Dunes State Forest - Trailhead, just off of CR 4
Pine Warbler
Eastern Towhee

8:15 - 8:25 am - Entrance to the Wildlife Drive - Sherburne NWR
Grasshopper Sparrow

8:30 - 9:30 am - Blue Hill Trail - Sherburne NWR
Blue-headed Vireo
Mourning Warbler
Grasshopper Sparrow

9:35 - 10:30 am - Mahnomen Trail - Sherburne NWR
Gray-cheeked Thrush
Swainson's Thrush
Lark Sparrow
Lincoln's Sparrow
White-crowned Sparrow

Kanabec County
12:45 - 1:50 Pm - We tried unsuccessfully for the previously posted Northern 
Mockingbird.  The directions to the location were easy to follow, but there 
was a number of people working in the area.  So that may have disturbed the 
bird prior to our arrival.

Craig Mandel, Minnetonka, MN
EgretCMan at msn.com 

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