[mou] FW: Prescott Harlequin Duck

Laura Coble shearwater45 at frontiernet.net
Sat Feb 23 20:35:56 CST 2008



From: Laura Coble [mailto:shearwater45 at frontiernet.net] 
Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2008 8:21 PM
To: 'mnbird at lists.mnbird.net'
Subject: Prescott Harlequin Duck

On Friday, 2/22, the previously reported Prescott, WI, Harlequin Duck, was
located again in late morning by several birders, including Susan Plankis.
It was found near the Prescott, MN/WI Mississippi River train trestle. 
Susan and I saw it again today (2/23) at about 9:35 am at the same location.
The duck swam and dove back and forth, diving and moving underwater for a
greater distance each time a train came by with its loud whistle and
clatter. We followed the Harlequin as it swam under the trestle (there's a
paved trail that goes under the bridge), and we were able to view it at a
very close distance (WI) and at a farther distance (probably MN) in the
bright morning sun. 
To reach this location, drive north on Hwy 61 through Hastings, MN, crossing
the Hastings Bridge, and continuing to Hwy 10. Turn right on Hwy 10 and
drive southeast to Prescott, crossing the Hwy 10 bridge. Turn right onto
Broad Street N.; continue to Orange St., and make a right turn. Drive to a
small parking area near the Mississippi River and the train trestle.
Laura Coble
Cannon Falls, MN
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