[mou] FW: Southeastern MN

Jeff Dankert renohawk@hbci.com
Sun, 6 Apr 2003 23:00:17 -0500

Carol Schumacher and I birded Sunday in Winona, Fillmore and Houston
counties. A total of 71 bird species including:

While hawk watching from 10-noon at a bluff top near Minneiska, we saw
one imm. N. GOSHAWK, one imm. RED-SHOULDERED HAWK, one adult GOLDEN
EAGLE, and one adult COOPER'S HAWK.

A PEREGRINE FALCON was in the cliff nest box at Latsch State Park.

Also at Latsch, two TUFTED TITMICE, along with ruby- and golden-crowned

Near Utica, we watched and heard a flock of about 25 LAPLAND LONGSPURS
fly around near sewage ponds.

At the Lewiston sewage ponds, about 80 tundra swans, a few pintails and
other waterfowl, but no shorebirds other than snipe and killdeer.

On Gate Coulee Drive in Houston County, one WINTER WREN zipped across
the road, fiddled in a grass pile, and then floated down a steep hill to
the safety of a giant, moss-covered log.

Along with waterfowl at Prairie Island late in the day, a total of 17
duck species.

For those who want a good, unobstructed look at great horned owl chicks
in the nest, check out the osprey nest on a power pole on Theurer Blvd.
on the border of the cities of Winona and Goodview. Best viewing is from
the Hiatt Manufacturing parking lot. Late in the day, the adults were
off somewhere hunting but the two young were there, becoming more
upright, starting to show ear tufts, their down turning buffy, but still
with black facial masks.

Jeff Dankert
908 Parks Ave Apt 158
Winona MN 55987-5330
(507) 454-0033