[mou] 3-4 Clark's Grebes in Todd County

Benjamin Fritchman fieldfare21@hotmail.com
Tue, 19 Aug 2003 12:49:06 -0500

I decided to take a trip to the osakis sewage ponds today and surrounding 
area. On the way I stopped at Lake Osakis in Todd County. The 5th "Western 
Grebe" I looked at turned out to be a Clark's! It's the first one I've seen 
in Todd. It was very close, and I could see the bill and face and sides 
clearly. Well, I eventually thought, why couldn't there be more? So I put up 
my scope and started scanning the westerns........within 10 seconds I found 
a second Clark's! It was so amazing, eventually I found another one a little 
farther up the road, and possibly another one, making 4! One day this week 
I'm going to do a survey of the whole Lake and see how many Clark's are 
really out there, because if there are 4 within a half mile......maybe there 
are a few more in Todd County and maybe even on the Douglas County side.
By the way, directions are: From the town of Osakis, go east on 27, after 
you pass a pond on both sides of the road, take a left. These roads follow 
the lake. Just start searching at every opening in the trees/houses. They 
should be relatively easy to find with a scope. Watch out for young Westerns 
with almost completely white heads.
I don't know how I've overlooked these Clark's in the past.
Ben Fritchman
Long Prairie
P.S. With the excitement I never made it to the Osakis Sewage ponds.

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