[mou] Hawk Ridge News

CarmanDave@aol.com CarmanDave@aol.com
Sat, 23 Aug 2003 13:13:00 EDT

The 32nd consecutive year of full-time hawk counting at Hawk Ridge Nature 
Reserve in Duluth began on August 15.  Due to the 2 Millionth Raptor Contest, 
daily hawk count totals will not be posted on our website, www.hawkridge.org, 
until September 8 to allow for any late entries to enter the contest.  We will, 
however, send out periodic general updates.  

Highlights so far include good flights of immature Red-tailed Hawks on 16 
August and 22 August with the start of any appreciable Broad-wing flight 
yesterday as well.  An earliest date record immature, light-morph Swainson's Hawk was 
observed on 16 August.  To date, species observed include Red-tailed Hawk, 
Swainson's Hawk, Broad-winged Hawk, Osprey, Bald Eagle, Sharp-shinned Hawk and 
Turkey Vulture along with a local Merlin and  a family of Cooper's Hawks.

Dave Carman
Duluth, MN