[mou] Redpolls

Karen Sussman ksussman@lcp2.net
Sat, 20 Dec 2003 11:04:24 -0600

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Large flock of redpolls, perhaps 200+, found this morning at 0830 on St 
Louis Cty road 65 in rural Bear River.  This is the 4th winter I have 
found redpolls in this exact location.

This morning they were very skittish and flushed as my car approached.  
The sky was dark with them, like a swarm of locusts.  I pursued them 
down an adjacent road #532 for a short time but they disappeared into 
the woods.  I  could not relocate them an hour later.

The area is located 1.4 miles n/nw from SLC road 25.  There is a bridge 
over a small stream there with heavy thickets on both sides.  The birds 
were on both sides of the road.  I had no time to look for hoaries 
amongst them..

Also seen:
pine grosbeaks
gray jays
bald eagle (0.5m south Cty Rd 22 on Cty Rd 25, Angora)
3 timberwolves, one dark phase

The roads in this part of the county are very confusing as they are not 
contiguous.  If you are interested in seeing these birds, please email 
me for more precise directions.  AWD is nice, but not necessary.

Karen Sussman  ksussman@lcp2.net
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<fontfamily><param>Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro</param>Large flock of
redpolls, perhaps 200+, found this morning at 0830 on St Louis Cty
road 65 in rural Bear River.  This is the 4th winter I have found
redpolls in this exact location.

This morning they were very skittish and flushed as my car approached. 
The sky was dark with them, like a swarm of locusts.  I pursued them
down an adjacent road #532 for a short time but they disappeared into
the woods.  I  could not relocate them an hour later.

The area is located 1.4 miles n/nw from SLC road 25.  There is a
bridge over a small stream there with heavy thickets on both sides. 
The birds were on both sides of the road.  I had no time to look for
hoaries amongst them..

Also seen:

pine grosbeaks

gray jays

bald eagle (0.5m south Cty Rd 22 on Cty Rd 25, Angora)

3 timberwolves, one dark phase

The roads in this part of the county are very confusing as they are
not contiguous.  If you are interested in seeing these birds, please
email me for more precise directions.  AWD is nice, but not necessary.</fontfamily>

<fontfamily><param>Times New Roman</param>Karen Sussman 