[mou] 70-year wait....finally: Henslow's Sparrow in Todd

Benjamin Fritchman fieldfare21@hotmail.com
Sun, 13 Jul 2003 22:24:50 -0500

My grandpa, John Kroll, has been birding Todd County for over 70 years, and 
every time we go out birding he points out fields that "should" have 
Henslows Sparrows. After scanning every mullein(spelling?) stalk in Todd 
County for the last 3 years I never expected to actually find one, but he 
scans every field every time we go birding, actually "expecting" them to be 
there. Tonight our search finally ended. At about 8 P.M. Susan and John 
Kroll and I found a Henslows Sparrow east of Cedar Lake. Cedar Lake is south 
of Long Prairie on Hwy. 71.  To get to the field take the road on the north 
side of Cedar Lake going east from Hwy 71, follow it for a few miles until 
you get to 231st Ave. The bird was in the northwest field at this 

The bird called several times from a mullein stalk very close to the road, I 
heard it first and called my grandparents over. They soon heard and saw it.
I believe this is a first county record, and from now on I'll listen to my 
grandpa, because as long as birds have wings, they're always possible 

Good birding,
Ben Fritchman
Long Prairie, MN

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