[mou] MOU Field Trip

Michael Hendrickson smithville4@msn.com
Thu, 24 Jul 2003 14:57:21 -0500

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On August 23rd the MOU is sponsoring a field trip to look for shorebirds =
like Buff-breasted Sandpipers and other species.  We will also look for =
regular residents and some early migrant passerines.  The trip is also =
posted on the MOU web site meeting place and time is posted there.

If you are interested you can reply to me and I will add you to the list =
and as always I will send updates to those that are on the list about =
the trip and who is also going and etc..

Also while on the trip and if you find a feather flying around or on the =
ground you can keep it or you can look at it and let it be. This reminds =
me a few Fall seasons ago in Mid September a jet crashed near the Duluth =
Airport and one of the investigators found a feather lodged in one of =
the engines and this feather was brought to Hawk Ridge where Laura =
Erickson, Kim Eckert and several others ID the feather as to what =
species it belonged to.  I forgot the what the out come was but memory =
to tells me it was a shorebird species. I may be wrong on that.  Anyway =
since the subject is about feathers I thought I share this tidbit.

Back to the field trip offer, I have about 10+ participants so far =
signed up.  Also this field trip will be a good one to learn about =
identifying  shorebirds. =20


Mike Hendrickson
MOU Field Trip Chairman & All round good guy!
Duluth MN
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<DIV>On August 23rd the MOU is sponsoring a field trip to look for =
like Buff-breasted Sandpipers and other species.&nbsp; We will also look =
regular residents and some early migrant passerines.&nbsp; The trip is =
posted on the MOU web site meeting place and time is posted there.</DIV>
<DIV>If you are interested you can reply to me and I will add you to the =
and as always I will send updates to those that are on the list about =
the trip=20
and who is also going and etc..</DIV>
<DIV>Also while on the trip and if you find a feather flying around or =
on the=20
ground you can keep it or you can look at it and let it be. This reminds =
me a=20
few Fall seasons ago in Mid September a jet crashed near the Duluth =
Airport and=20
one of the investigators found a feather lodged in one of the engines =
and this=20
feather was brought to Hawk Ridge where Laura Erickson, Kim Eckert and =
others ID the feather as to what species it belonged to.&nbsp; I forgot =
the what=20
the out come was but memory to tells me it was a shorebird species. I =
may be=20
wrong on that.&nbsp; Anyway since the subject is about feathers I =
thought I=20
share this tidbit.</DIV>
<DIV>Back to the field trip offer, I have about 10+ participants so far =
up.&nbsp; Also this field trip will be a good one to learn about=20
identifying&nbsp; shorebirds.&nbsp; </DIV>
<DIV>Mike Hendrickson</DIV>
<DIV>MOU Field Trip Chairman &amp; All round good guy!</DIV>
<DIV>Duluth MN</DIV></BODY></HTML>
