[mou] Summer Tanager, Kentucky Warbler at Murphy-Hanrehan Park

Bob Dunlap rmdbird@mn.rr.com
Sat, 7 Jun 2003 10:56:03 -0500

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This morning I birded Murphy-Hanrehan Park in Scott County, mainly for =
the previously reported Kentucky Warbler.  Around 8:00 this morning the =
bird was singing about 50 yards east of marker 15 on the right side of =
the trail (near the top of the hill).  To get there from marker 14, take =
the path to the right.  The next intersection is marker 15, and again =
take the path to the right (this heads toward marker 16).
About 50 more yards from the Kentucky spot (still going east), the trail =
slopes down to a pond on the right.  It was here where I heard a Summer =
Tanager singing and calling.  Before this spot, I had heard and seen a =
few Scarlet Tanagers, so it was fairly easy to differentiate between the =
two songs.  The Summer Tanager also gave a "pikki tuck tuck" call a few =
times.  I never saw the bird, but it seemed fairly active in moving =
about the treetops.  A couple of weeks ago there was a report of a =
Summer Tanager in Murphy-Hanrehan Park, but where specifically I can't =
remember, so this may very well be the same bird.
Also along this trail was a singing Hooded Warbler.  There was another =
Hooded singing between markers 13 and 14.
There were a few people looking for the Prairie Warbler this morning, =
and as far as I know it wasn't seen or heard.
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County

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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>This morning I birded Murphy-Hanrehan =
Park in Scott=20
County, mainly for the previously reported Kentucky Warbler.&nbsp; =
Around 8:00=20
this morning the bird was singing about 50 yards east of marker 15 on =
the right=20
side of the trail (near the top of the hill).&nbsp; To get there from =
marker 14,=20
take the path to the right.&nbsp; The next intersection is marker 15, =
and again=20
take the path to the right (this heads toward marker 16).</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>About 50 more yards from the Kentucky=20
spot&nbsp;(still going east), the trail slopes down to a pond on the=20
right.&nbsp; It was here where I heard a Summer Tanager singing and=20
calling.&nbsp; Before this spot, I had heard and seen a few Scarlet =
Tanagers, so=20
it was fairly easy to differentiate between the two songs.&nbsp; The =
Tanager also gave a "pikki tuck tuck" call a few times.&nbsp; I never =
saw the=20
bird, but it seemed fairly active in moving about the treetops.&nbsp; A =
of weeks ago there was a report of a Summer Tanager in Murphy-Hanrehan =
Park, but=20
where specifically I can't remember, so this may very well be the same=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Also along this trail was a singing =
Warbler.&nbsp; There was another Hooded singing between markers 13 and=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>There were a few people looking for the =
Warbler this morning, and as far as I know it wasn't seen or =
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>-Bob Dunlap, Carver=20
