[mou] Request regarding Blue-wings

Markael Luterra luterra@midstate.tds.net
Sat, 7 Jun 2003 11:56:05 -0500

Last year, I found two singing Blue-winged warblers in Vicksburg=
 County Park, and was informed by someone on this list or MNBird=
 that if I found a nest it would be a first county breeding=

Today, I heard the familiar beee-bzzz song coming from excellent=
 Blue-wing habitat, so I followed, soon arousing the female and,=
 with some patience, discovering a beautiful little nest with=
 five tiny brown-spotted white-pink eggs.

Would this be a first county record for Renville County, and if=
 so, how do I document it?

Also, what is the policy for the use of MOU Nest Cards.  Should=
 these be filed for all nests found, or do nests of common=
 species (chipping sparrow, cardinal, etc.) not warrant the use=
 of a Nest Card?

Renville County
MN River Valley

-- Markael Luterra, luterra@midstate.tds.net on 6/7/2003