[mou] FYI: weird hummer in MA.

Chris Fagyal Chris.Fagyal@udlp.com
Tue, 17 Jun 2003 10:06:05 -0500

For all you ABA listers out there, there is a very unusual hummer in =
Massachussetts at the moment.  I haven't checked my books at home after =
viewing the picture this morning, but I can't think of anything that shows =
up with any regularity in the US that matches it (and i've seen most of =
the species that somewhat regularily occur in the US either in AZ or CO =
with the exception of Lucifer's, Allen's and Berylline).  If anyone is =
interested in viewing the picture, send me an email and i'll forward it =
along.  Its a pretty small sized picture.  I have sent out an email to one =
of the United States foremost hummingbird experts Sherri Williamson, so =
we'll see what she thinks it is.

I know this isn't related to MN birding, but I thought it was interesting =

Chris Fagyal
Senior Software Engineer
United Defense, L.P.
Fridley, MN
(763) 572-5320