[mou] wave/central MN (St. Cloud)

Houghton, Timothy D. tdhoughton@stcloudstate.edu
Wed, 14 May 2003 14:03:02 -0500

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The first significant wave of songbirds since May 3 came through this =
area this morning, along with the weather. I figured it was going to be =
better birding when I heard a golden-winged w. outside my house this =
morning. Birds were active at Beaver Islands Trail (near SCSU), and =
there were 8 warbler species, which ain't bad for around here.

Tim Houghton

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<TITLE>wave/central MN (St. Cloud)</TITLE>
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<P><FONT SIZE=3D2>The first significant wave of songbirds since May 3 =
came through this area this morning, along with the weather. I figured =
it was going to be better birding when I heard a golden-winged w. =
outside my house this morning. Birds were active at Beaver Islands Trail =
(near SCSU), and there were 8 warbler species, which ain't bad for =
around here.<BR>
Tim Houghton</FONT>
