[mou] warbler help

Hoeger-Lerdal prh@hutchtel.net
Sat, 24 May 2003 23:28:37 -0500

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I could use some help with a warbler that stumped me today--while =
birding along the Crow River in Hutchinson (McLeod Cty), in the thickets =
and ash trees along the river bank with many Wilson's, Yellowthroats, =
Redstarts, Magnolias, Yellows, even a Canada, and seemingly scores of =
Tennesees, one standout warbler-like bird---the Orange-ish face caught =
my attention. The orange was not as deep as a male blackburnian, but =
definitely more orange than yellow, and the color extended only to the =
chin. I also felt sure I saw an eyebrow.  The lower throat, breast, and =
sides, extending all the way to the undertail coverts, were a plain, =
drab, whitish color, with just a tinge of yellow on the belly---and the =
kicker: No streaks or barring on sides or underneath that I could see =
during 15 min. of hide-and seek as it foraged fearlessly 20 ft.above my =
head from leaf to leaf.  I had only brief, poor looks at the wings and =
back, but saw No wingbars or markings at all on the back, which seemed =
to be a grayish-green color.  It did not look like a female blackburnian =
to me, certainly nothing like the pics in Sibley (although maybe =
slightly like the female BB in Kaufmann), so maybe the light was playing =
tricks on me or this was some kind of abnormally colored female ? (there =
were no male blackburnians around).  A non-birder friend with me also =
confirmed my impressions, however, as the bird was so close much of the =
time that binocs weren't always needed.  Any other ideas?

Pete Hoeger, Hutchinson
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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>I could use some help with a warbler =
that stumped=20
me today--while birding along the Crow River in Hutchinson (McLeod Cty), =
in the=20
thickets and ash trees along the river bank&nbsp;with many Wilson's,=20
Yellowthroats, Redstarts, Magnolias, Yellows, even a Canada, and =
scores of Tennesees, one standout warbler-like bird---the Orange-ish =
face caught=20
my attention. The orange was not as deep as a male blackburnian, but =
more orange than yellow, and&nbsp;the color&nbsp;extended only to the =
chin. I=20
also felt sure I saw an&nbsp;eyebrow.&nbsp; The lower =
throat,&nbsp;breast, and=20
sides, extending all the way to the undertail coverts, were a plain, =
whitish color, with just a tinge of yellow on the belly---and the =
kicker: No=20
streaks or barring on sides or underneath that I could see during 15 =
min. of=20
hide-and seek as it foraged fearlessly 20 ft.above my head from leaf to=20
leaf.&nbsp;&nbsp;I had only brief, poor looks at the wings and back, but =
saw No=20
wingbars or markings at all on the back, which&nbsp;seemed to be&nbsp;a=20
grayish-green color.&nbsp; It did not look like a female blackburnian to =
certainly nothing like the pics in Sibley (although maybe slightly like =
female BB in Kaufmann), so&nbsp;maybe the light was playing tricks on me =
or this=20
was some kind of abnormally colored female ? (there were no male =
around).&nbsp; A non-birder friend with me also confirmed my =
however, as the bird was&nbsp;so close much of the time that binocs =
always needed.&nbsp; Any other ideas?</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Pete Hoeger, =
