[mou] Otter Tail County - White-faced Ibis -update & Grant County Cattle Egret 4/20/04

EgretCMan@aol.com EgretCMan@aol.com
Wed, 21 Apr 2004 05:54:47 EDT

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Debbie Arnold and I headed up and refound the previously reported White-faced 
Ibis in Otter Tail County. We first checked at around 7:30am and did not see 
the bird there, but returned at 9:40am and relocated the bird in the NE corner 
of the pond on the South side of the road.  We watched the bird for about 20 
minutes.  While studying some of the other species in the pond we lost track 
of the Ibis.  So note that the bird is moving around a lot, so check the entire 
shoreline and give it a little time if you try for it.  We also observed a 
single Cattle Egret in the cattle pasture on the SE side of Pelican Lake.  We 
also observed about 100 Greater Prairie Chickens at the Rothsay WMA and about 30 
Marbled Gaudiest at this location as well.

@ Cattle Egret - Grant County - From I 94, take the Ashby exit to the North 
and then turn right on CR 54 in less than a block.  Follow this to Ashby 
Estates Rd E and turn left and look for the Cattle on your right.  The Egrets are 
usually with the cattle and sometimes the Cattle are in a pasture that is not 
visible from the road.  If so, park at the end of the road and you should have a 
chance to see the birds in flight between there rookery and the cattle.

@ White-faced Ibis - Otter Tail County - previously posted location off CR 15.

@ Greater Prairie Chicken - Wilkin County - 100 birds observed on the main 
Lek at Rothsay WMA.

Craig Mandel - EgretCMan@aol.com - Minnetonka, MN 

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<DIV>Debbie Arnold and I headed up and refound the previously reported White=
-faced Ibis in Otter Tail County. We first checked at around 7:30am and did=20=
not see the bird there, but returned at 9:40am and relocated the bird in the=
 NE corner of the pond on the South side of the road.&nbsp;&nbsp;We watched=20=
the bird for about 20 minutes.&nbsp;&nbsp;While studying some of the other s=
pecies in the pond&nbsp;we lost track of the Ibis.&nbsp;&nbsp;So note that t=
he bird is moving around a lot, so check the entire shoreline and give it a=20=
little time if you try for it.&nbsp; We also observed a single Cattle Egret=20=
in the cattle pasture on the SE side of Pelican Lake.&nbsp; We also observed=
 about 100 Greater Prairie Chickens at the Rothsay WMA and about 30 Marbled=20=
Gaudiest at this location as well.</DIV>
<DIV>@ Cattle Egret - Grant County - From I 94, take the Ashby exit to the N=
orth and then turn right on CR 54 in less than a block.&nbsp;&nbsp;Follow th=
is to Ashby Estates Rd E and turn left and look for the Cattle on your right=
.&nbsp;&nbsp;The Egrets are usually with the cattle and sometimes the Cattle=
 are in a pasture that is not visible from the road.&nbsp; If so, park at th=
e end of the road and you should&nbsp;have a chance to see the birds in flig=
ht between there rookery and the cattle.</DIV>
<DIV>@ White-faced Ibis - Otter Tail County&nbsp;- previously posted locatio=
n off CR 15.</DIV>
<DIV>@ Greater Prairie Chicken - Wilkin County - 100 birds observed on the m=
ain Lek at Rothsay WMA.</DIV>
<DIV><FONT lang=3D0 face=3DArial size=3D2 PTSIZE=3D"10" FAMILY=3D"SANSSERIF"=
>Craig Mandel - EgretCMan@aol.com - Minnetonka, MN </FONT></DIV></BODY></HTM=
