[mou] Salt Lake

Steve Weston Steve Weston" <sweston2@comcast.net
Tue, 27 Apr 2004 02:08:49 -0500

Saturday's Salt Lake Festival attracted 50 to 75 birders, of which about 50 shared their finds at the dinner well served by
the Sons (well actually the Daughters) of Norway at Madison, MN in Lac Qui Parle County.

One hundred twenty-eight species were found primarily in Lac Qui Parle and Big Stone Counties.  An additional couple of
species were noted the next day (Solitary Sandpiper & Field Sparrow)
Finds included:
25 species of waterfowl including:
Eared and Horned Grebes and White-fronted Geese on Salt Lake
Western and Clarks Grebes on Thielke Lake

13 species of shorebirds including:
Willet, both Godwits, Semipalmated, Least, and Bairds Sandpipers,  Long-billed Dowitcher,  Dunlin, Semi-palmated Plover

3 warblers including Black & white

Others of note included:
Am. Bittern
Peregrine Falcon
Ferruginous Hawk (a pair seen in Mehurin Township)
Gray Partridge (only two seen)
Long-eared & Short-eared owls
Smiths Longspur (CR 66 west of MN 40 west of Milan)
N. Mockingbird ( CR 7 .5 miles south of US 212)
Marsh Wren
Eastern Meadowlark

Steve Weston on Quigley Lake in Eagan