[mou] spring owling trips

Bill Lane owlman@mindspring.com
Sun, 4 Jan 2004 21:53:33 -0500

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hello from the center of the universe...tofte.

for those of you interested, information pertaining to my 2004 field trips is now available on my website... www.mindspring.com/~owlman  for those not interested...trust me...i understand. hopefully, the northern forest owls will be a bit more "busy" this year, but one never knows. the uncertainty is what makes each trip an adventure. feel free to drop me an e-mail if you have any questions.

bill lane

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<DIV>hello from the center of the universe...tofte.</DIV>
<DIV>for those of you interested, information pertaining to my&nbsp;2004 field trips is now available on my website... <A href="http://www.mindspring.com/~owlman">www.mindspring.com/~owlman</A>&nbsp; for those not interested...trust me...i understand. hopefully, the northern forest owls will be&nbsp;a bit more "busy" this year, but one never knows.&nbsp;the uncertainty is what makes each trip an adventure. feel free to drop me an e-mail if you have any questions.</DIV>
<DIV>bill lane</DIV>
<DIV><A href="mailto:owlman@mindspring.com">owlman@mindspring.com</A></DIV>