[mou] Long-tailed Duck & Tufted Titmouse

JEBonkoski@aol.com JEBonkoski@aol.com
Mon, 12 Jan 2004 15:57:10 EST

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Bob Janssen and I went to Point Douglas, Washington Co. and saw the 
Long-tailed Duck, which had been reported earlier.  We saw the duck at about 9:15 am 
with excellent viewing conditions from the parking lot on the Minnesota side of 
the St. Croix.
We then went to Austin and saw the Tufted Titmouse at about 11:45 am at the 
same location as previously reported.  

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<DIV>Bob Janssen and I went to Point Douglas, Washington Co. and saw the Lon=
g-tailed Duck, which had been reported earlier.&nbsp; We saw the duck at abo=
ut 9:15 am with excellent viewing conditions from the parking lot on the Min=
nesota side of the St. Croix.</DIV>
<DIV>We then went to Austin and saw the Tufted Titmouse at about 11:45 am at=
 the same location as previously reported.&nbsp; </DIV></BODY></HTML>
