[mou] MRVAC meeting 1/22

Steve Weston Steve Weston" <sweston2@comcast.net
Sun, 18 Jan 2004 13:20:25 -0600

The Minnesota River Valley Audubon Chapter (MRVAC) will hold its January meeting on Thursday the 22rd.

Speaker: George Skinner
The Program:  Birding Cuba
MRVAC member, George Skinner, spent ten days in Cuba during December 2002.  He birded with a legal group tour organized by a
birding club in Ohio, using an ABA listed organizer.  The tour visited Havana, the Bay of Pigs and the western mountains.
Join us for slides and stories about the trip, the birding experience and the logistics of getting to Cuba legally.

Please,  join us  at 7:30 p.m. at the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge Visitor’s Center in Bloomington.  You may
wish to come early for the social period with coffee, cookies and committee exhibits.  There is no admission.  All are

For directions call me (612-978-3993), e-mail me or see our newsletter at: http://home.comcast.net/~mrvac/DecJan2004.doc
or you can visit our website: www.mrvac.org .

Steve Weston on Quigley Lake in Eagan