[mou] Birds of the Gunflint Trail

Naturalist nature@gunflint.com
Sun, 18 Jan 2004 16:30:35 -0600

Birding on the upper Gunflint Trail has been exciting this winter.
Large flocks of the pine grosbeaks, northern ravens, and common redpolls
have been present.  The other commonly seen birds this winter have been
the white-breasted nuthatch, black-capped chickadee, gray jay, blue jay,
downy woodpecker, and hairy woodpecker.  Some of the less common birds
seen in the last week have been the black-backed woodpecker (on the
Magnetic Rock Trail), and the pileated woodpecker.  The evening grosbeak
has also been seen off and on throughout the winter.  All the birds
listed have been seen close to the south side of Gunflint Lake.

John Silliman
Head Naturalist
Gunflint Lodge