[mou] additional Duluth-area birds

Kim R. Eckert kreckert@cpinternet.com
Fri, 23 Jan 2004 11:45:08 -0600

To supplement Dave Benson's nicely done Duluth Birding Report from 
yesterday, this information might also be of interest to visiting 

- Gyrfalcon / Best place this week for this adult gray-morph bird has 
been on and around the first 3 grain elevators W of the I-535 bridge 
in Superior; also seen here as late as 3:30 PM. As far as I know, 
there have been no reports earlier than noon, and no recent sightings 
at Peavey elevator in Superior (last seen here 10-11 Jan?). Note 
Red-tailed Hawks and adult Peregrine are also wintering in the 
harbor, so ID caution is urged.

- Great Gray Owl / Still present (but easy to miss) on Aitkin Co Rd 
18 at 2 locations: 1 mi W of Pietz's Rd (320th Pl) and 0.2 - 0.5 mi E 
of Pietz's Rd. Note presence of Barred Owl 0.1 mi W of Pietz's, where 
a 3rd Great Gray had been reported earlier. The Great Gray seen 19 
Jan on Lake Co Rd 2 at Greenwood Cr could not be relocated the next 
day; owls also seen earlier in Jan at 3 other locations farther S on 
Co Rd 2, and 5 mi S of MN Hwy 1 on Stony River Forest Rd.

- Sharp-tailed Grouse / If no grouse are visible in Sax-Zim on or 
around the lek on Co Rd 29, 1.5 mi N of Co Rd 133 (even though it's 
only January, they display here on milder days), continue N on 29 to 
the T at Correction Line Rd, then go E 2 mi and N 2 mi to another 
spot where grouse were seen this week. Also check the lek SW of the 
jct of Co Rds 52 and 208.

- Spruce Grouse / As Dave reported, no live grouse reported this 
winter at the usual area N of the Sand R on Co Rd 2, but a roadkill 
was found 1 mi N of the Sand R on 19 Jan. Live Spruce Grouse also 
reported twice farther S on Co Rd 2 earlier in January. Since birds 
of all kinds have been generally scarce this month in this part of 
Lake Co (including the usually productive Spruce Rd), birders may 
want to skip this area, unless someone finds a Three-toed W (no 
reports since June), relocates the N Hawk Owl (reported 10 Jan on MN 
Hwy 1 just E of Co Rd 2 at the Stony River Canoe Access), or is 
looking for Red Crossbills (no recent reports but present in early 

- Bohemian Waxwing / Isolated sightings last week on Mygatt St in 
Duluth, near Emily's in Knife River, and along Hwy 61 near Blackwoods 
in Two Harbors, but none of these relocated this week. As Dave 
reported, you may need to travel to Grand Marais, Deerwood or 
Brainerd for waxwings; reports of all sightings in or near Duluth 
still needed.

- Gadwall / There is a male among the ducks at the corner of the 
Lakewalk (is there also a female?).

- N Hawk Owl / Still present as of 18 Jan on Burnett Co Rd H, 4 mi S 
of WI Hwy 70 (this location about 70 mi or 1.5 hrs S of Duluth).

- Black-backed Woodpecker / Only consistent location this month 
continues to be in Sax-Zim on Co Rd 213 (McDavitt Rd), 2.5 - 3.2 mi N 
of Sax Rd. May be 2 pairs present, and most easily found on milder 
days when birds respond more readily to recordings.

- N Shrikes, Boreal Chickadees, Pine Grosbeaks, White-winged 
Crossbills (mostly in towns), Com Redpolls, and other N Minn 
specialties also present in average to good numbers. Hoary Redpolls 
and Evening Grosbeaks (very scarce/local this winter) also present at 
some feeders; without special arrangement, best feeders for these are 
in Sax-Zim along Co Rd 29 and visible from the road: 1/2 mi N of Co 
Rd 133 (grosbeaks) and 1/2 mi S of Correction Line Rd (Hoarys).

Kim Eckert