[mou] Gyrfalcon - Superior & Snowy Owl - Duluth

M. Thomas Auer t_auer@lycos.com
Fri, 23 Jan 2004 15:53:33 -0600


The GYRFALCON appeared at the Peavy Grain Elevators at 2:15 pm this afternoon, and stayed there until about 3:00 pm when it flew off over the bay. It was seen perched at the top of the elevator to start, then flew down to the light posts along the road going into Peavy. All this was viewed from the Connors Point Rd. in front of the Peavy Elevators.

As well, I sighted a SNOWY OWL sitting beneath the Bong Bridge in the middle of the St. Louis River. It was directly on the ice, more towards the Minnesota side. Could be seen from anyplace that the center of the bong bridge and the river could be seen from.

Earlier in the day, while searching for the Gyrfalcon on the Duluth side, I found the PEREGRINE FALCON, sitting directly atop the Cargill Grain Elevators on the Duluth side. This was at about 1:30 pm.

Good Luck All!
Tom Auer
Duluth, MN

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