[mou] Iceland Gull still in Two Harbors

Jim Lind jslind@frontiernet.net
Sat, 24 Jan 2004 22:02:01 -0600

This afternoon Sharon and I relocated the 1st winter Iceland Gull at 
Agate Bay in Two Harbors, originally found by Kim Eckert on January 
20.  It was sitting on the edge of the ice near the old concrete pier 
out from the boat launch.  After about 15 minutes it flew north away 
from downtown, so we drove up to the industrial park where a local 
fish market dumps fish scraps.  The bird was there by itself and we 
were able to get nice close-up views and a few pictures (in spite of 
all the snowmobile traffic).  

To reach this spot from northbound Highway 61, turn left (north) at 
the stoplight near McDonald's (CH 26) and go about a mile until you 
go over the railroad tracks, then take the first left.  In about two 
blocks you'll see the Superior Fish Company building on the left and 
the lawn where they throw the fish scraps.  Gulls often move between 
here and the harbor during the winter.

The first-winter Glaucous Gull, Harlequin Duck, and Long-tailed Duck 
were also still present in Agate Bay.

Jim Lind
Two Harbors