[mou] Gray Partridge--Fillmore County

John Hockema jhockema@hotmail.com
Wed, 28 Jan 2004 14:00:13 -0600

1/27/04--Fillmore County

Yesterday Chris and I spent most of the morning counting horned larks, snow 
buntings, and lapland longspurs in Olmsted County.  The recent snows have 
really brought these "snowbirds" up out of the fields and onto the 
roadsides.  It would be fun to tag a local horned lark and see where it goes 
from Thanksgiving to January 20th.  Just a thought...

I later found a covey of 10 GRAY PARTRIDGE in Sumner Township in Fillmore 
County.  I had excellent views from less than a 100 ft. away.  A Cooper's 
Hawk came out of nowhere, gliding silently low over this field.  The 
partridge were huddled in a small circle but quickly buried themselves in 
snow as the coop flew past.  It was really cool to witness this survival 

Soon after, Chuck Juhnke, Chuck Krulas, and bro Chris got out to see the 
birds.  It took a cold walk through a snowy field but everybody finally got 
a decent glimpse.  Those partridge are tricky!  The location is no fewer 
than 2 miles where Chris and I grew up during the summers learning birds 
with Dr. Risser and the gang.  It was a fun moment for me.  Anyways...

John Hockema
rural Byron

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